The Broom Closet

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*Smut warning*

Kazuichis pov

I was staring at my hand as miss Sonia dragged me and gundam down the hallway.

I was honestly surprised that she ripped at gundam like that. Usually she only gets mad at me. Could it be... Is she finally accepting my feelings!

"what are you smiling at?" she glared at me.

"nothing miss Sonia" I looked away with a slight blush. Hehe even when she's mad at me she so hot. She's the prettiest girl in the whole world and one day she will be mine-

My thoughts were cut off when Sonia threw me and gundam to the cold hard floor.

"and neither of you are leaving until you've learned to get along!" with that she shut the door in our face.

I ran up and banged on the door. She's really locked us in. She locked me in with hamster boy!

I hit my head against the door in frustration. Gundam looked equally as annoyed.

"what a conundrum we've found ourselves in" he leaned against the wall with a sigh "what are we going to do with you sharp tooth mortal"

"me!" I yelled. How dare he act like I'm the problem!

"yes you" he stood up and walked towards me "you have been causing trouble since the day we met and now your troublemaking has inconvenienced the dark queen. Clearly something must be done"

"you talk a big game hamster boy but I bet you can't back it up-" I was cut off by him slamming me ageinst the wall.

"do you know what giraffes do when a younger male acts out?" he asked.

"why the hell would I car-"

"they have sexsual intercorse with them, therefore putting them in their place" his words sent chills down my spine. I was suddenly made aware of our hight difference. I used to think we were on the same level but now I feel like a house cat who's just confronted a hungry lion.

"yes that would be the quickest way to deal with this little problem of ours" he chuckled to himself.

"oh no you don't" I put my hands to my chest protectively "that may be how it works in the animal kingdom but this is the real world and we have laws! If you lay one hand on me I'll have you behind a jail cell before you can blink!" that's a lie. Even in the case where I was sexsually assaulted we could never afford a lawyer. Please take the bait.

"no need to fear" he eyes were alot kinder now, kinder then I've ever seen him "I am not the kind of ghastly feind that would force myself on someone weaker. Besides I think I can convince you to play along"

"what do you-" before I could finish he leaned over and bit my neck "ahh" I quickly covered my mouth as soon as that moan escaped my lips. I could hear gundam chuckle next to my ear.

"you're rather cute when you're behaving yourself" his voice made me weak at the knees. He was looking at me like I was desirable, like I was worth loving.

No one's ever looked at me like that before.

He picked me up and lay me down on the table. I didn't struggle. A part of me wanted this. Wanted to be loved, even for a short while.

Trousers were removed and before I realised it he was inside me. It hurt at first but after a while it felt like heaven. I couldn't believe it. I'm losing my virginity to the hamster fucker of all people.

I'm so going to regret this tomorrow.

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