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Kazuichis pov


I shakily lay my head against the toilet bowl after throwing my guts up. I've been throwing up for a couple of weeks now. I've never had a stomach bug this bad before. I just hope to get rid of it soon so I stop bothering my old man.

"kazuichi!" speaking of the old man he was now hammering on the door "are you still in there!?"

"I can't help it daddy" I yelled back "I threw up again"

"huh again!" he sighed "if I didn't know any better I'd say you were pregnant" he let out a short laugh before leaving.

Pregnant. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. It can't be. Well the only way to know is to take that test.

*time skip*

I walked into the pharmacy and headed straight to the pregnancy section. I picked up a pregnancy test. A woman behind me shook her head disapprovingly. I looked away shamefully before heading to the till. God this looks bad.

"and that will be 1.49" the till man said, not even looking at me.

"Umm can I get a bottle of water too" I pointed at the mini fridge behind him.

He quickly figured out what was going on "jeez kid how clumsy can you be? You're in high school, you shouldn't even have to worry about that kind of stuff"

"sorry" I looked down tearfully. This is the worst.

He must have felt bad for me cause he handed me my items and said "they're on the house. Just be more careful next time"

"oh thank you very much sir" I bowed greatfully before picking up my bag and leaving.

*time skip*

I drunk the entire bottle of water and headed to the public restrooms. No way I can do this at home. Dad would freak if he saw this!

So I put the stick in and got started.

Deep breaths kazzy. You're going to be just fine. In fact you'll laugh about this later. After all there's no way you're actually pregnant. You'd have to have the worst luck in the world for that to be the case. Yeah, I'm going to pick up that stick right now and it's going to say..


I stared at the test with shaky hands. No this can't be happening. This has to be a nightmare! I'm pregnant. I'm only sixteen and I'm pregnant!

I curled up into a ball and cried. I don't know how long I stayed like that but I was brought back to my senses by the alarm on my phone blaring.

It's time for school.

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