Can We Save Them?

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Mokotos pov

I looked through the profiles of the newly captured remnants of despair. Two of these profiles in particular caught my eye.

Kazuichi souda

Gundam Tanaka

One thing in particular interests me about these two and it's the fact that they had a child together. Remnants of dispair are supposed to be unable to show love or remorse. They're only supposed to be able to feel despair and yet these two made a child together and raised him relatively well. So how do you explain that.

"aww who's a little cutie pie" hina bounced the little boy on her knee. He was pretty upset when he arrived here but hina seems to have cheer him up. As least now he's not crying to go home to that awful place.

That kid must really love his parents..

"oh no" byakuya turned to me with a sigh.

"oh no what?" hiro asked.

"just look at his face" he gestured to me "he's about to suggest something ludicrous"

"Well mokoto?" they all turned their attention to me.

I took a deep breath "are the remnants of dispair really as terrible as we think?"

"of course they are man. Their crazy!" Hiro yelled.

"yeah they helped junko put us through that awful killing game" hina said tearfully.

"yes but when I see how much that little boy loves his parents I can't see them as monsters" I sighed.

"Well you got a point" hina looked down at the little boy in her arms.

"I looked the child over and he doesn't have any injuries" kyoko muttered "his family weren't abusive. In fact they did their best to protect this child so perhaps... there's hope" she smiled at me.

I nodded to her gratefully before turning to the others "ok it's settled. We're not going to exterminate the remnants of dispair. We're going to save them!"

the rivals lovechild (soudam m-preg rewrite!) Where stories live. Discover now