Sakamaki Manor

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[I deleted the previous chapter as I felt it was too rushed and I couldn't write anything moving on!]

Raw, thin meat wailed as it touched the spitting, bubbling oil. An egg was nestled in the pan next door, grumbling as the morning sun pooled through the shabby window. A pale plate stood to the side, twin slices of toasted bread smothered in melting butter waited patiently to be acquainted with the eggs and bacon. The greasy bacon was placed first, oil dripping from its curves, soaking the soft bread and then the plump, unpopped egg before the last piece of toast was squished on top, making the yolk run down the sides of the sandwich, sticking it to the plate.

"You remember how to cook," Athena's voice broke through the hissing of the hot pan as it was run beneath cold water. She'd dressed herself in a long dress that'd been buttoned up just above her breasts, revealing her rings. A blue, floral pattern decorated the cream fabric, the sleeves puffed out and cupped her shoulders perfectly. It was a lovely, vintage dress which complimented her curves. She was wearing soft tights and lovely pearl earrings. Her makeup was light, pink lips, dark lashes, rosy blush. Her hair had been curled too, it was light and bouncy. Reiji didn't even glance at her as he handed her the small plate. "Thank you," she said, sitting herself down, "your blood isn't in this, is it?" The man scoffed, making her smirk lightly before taking a bite out of the lovely sandwich. "Your skills haven't faltered, perfect as always, dear."

"Refrain from flattery, Athena," he seethed, washing away at her dishes, "it will not save you."

"Perhaps it was genuine," she rolled her eyes, taking a sip of cold orange juice. She shuddered.

"What shall I tell my school?" She asked, "I will be bombarded with calls and texts and mail… they may even search for me if I don't reply."

"Figure it out for yourself."

"I might let them hunt for me, pull the same stunt as last time-" He moved fast, but not fast enough. Athena was already on the other side of the room when Reiji's fist came swinging through the air. "Your temper is much shorter." She placed the empty plate in the sink, brushing the crumbs off her skirt, "Now get ready, we're leaving, aren't we?"

The car ride was silent. They were in a long, shiny, black limo and they both sat on opposite ends. Reiji had busied himself in a book, probably a non-fictional one whereas Athena had spent the entire time calling her work and school, announcing her newfound, life-threatening 'illness' and stating how she'd have to drop out in order to focus on her health.

"You're quite the actress," Reiji had remarked once she'd finished. She didn't reply, merely fidgeting with her hands as she stared keenly out the window at the fast-moving scenery.

"When did you last see your brothers?" She asked on their third hour of travelling. Reiji didn't look up.

"Our wedding." He said.

"Are you excited to be reunited with them?"

"Not at all."

"I'd be excited to be reunited with my brothers."

"After the stunt you pulled, you'll be refused that opportunity." Athena ignored Reiji the rest of the journey.

The Sakamaki Manor was smaller than Athena had thought, it was a pale, sickly yellow with ivy dancing up the side of the walls. The windows were tall and white, curtains concealed what was within. The front door was tall and made of dark oak, a round knocker hung in the centre. Athena eyed the running water fountain as the pair made their way to the front door. Reiji had already opened it before she'd reached the doorstep. His facial muscles tensed as soon as he'd walked in.

"Are you-" Confetti fell delicately upon the pureblood's head, making him sneer at his younger brother who merely beamed.

"My favourite brother," Laito Sakamaki threw the confetti cannon to the side as he opened his arms wide, awaiting a never coming hug. "Welcome home. I missed you." Athena peeked through the door as she cautiously stepped in, greeted by Laito's pearly grin. "Athena, my dear, I'm glad to see you alive." He moved to give her a hug before Reiji abruptly stopped him.

It Was All Arranged [R. Sakamaki]Where stories live. Discover now