The Beginning of The Honeymoon

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“Welcome!” Ken announced, bowing respectfully before assisting Athena up the steep ramp. His hair was brown and his eyes a kind grey, his smile was bright as he shook Reiji’s hand, “Mr and Mrs Sakamaki, I presume?” Reiji nodded as Athena grimaced.
“That would be us,” her husband said, pulling his hand away, wrapping it around Athena’s waist. The pair were still clothed in their wedding attire - Athena’s corset grew tighter by the minute as she stood silently beside Reiji. They’d been travelling for hours now and they’d only just made it to the human realm. Women that wandered along the boulevard wore tight, layered clothing. Their skirts were large - their petticoats bright and designed with floral markings. Athena felt bare beneath the Japanese fashion in 1890. She ignored the judgemental stares and the rowdy, drunken yells as Reiji led her on board the large ship. There weren’t many guests staying on the ship, Ken had told them as he led them to their chambers for the night. He helped load their luggage into the spacious room before leaving the pair alone.
The room was small and dim, a bed fit for two had been pushed against the far wall, their luggage placed at the end of the bed. There was a second door which led to a toilet, it was wooden and splintered - Athena most definitely refused to use it. She gripped her bouquet tightly as she watched Reiji inspect the room. He was silent as he peeled back the musty sheets and lifted the crusty pillows. Athena felt ill looking at them.
“How long will we be on this ship?” she asked him, her voice small as she looked up at him. He turned to face her, fuschia eyes piercing hers coldly as he adjusted his sleeve.
“Only a few hours,” he replied, “I doubt this bed will be of use. Though I suggest you stay in here.” Athena didn’t argue with him - she knew what he meant. Still, she refused to sit upon the unwashed bed - what if she contracted a mundane disease? Reiji said nothing and merely left her alone in the cramped, smelly room. At least she wouldn’t be there long, she told herself. Until she spotted a mouse running along the boarded floor. She let out a squeal of shock, staring in horror before it disappeared.
“How do humans live like this?” she whispered - missing her castle life.
Finally, the hours passed and Athena had grown used to the visiting mouse. Reiji had entered the room, avoiding looking at her as Ken began to load their luggage onto a metal trolley.
“Your luggage shall be placed into your carriage,” he informed, pushing the squeaking thing away from the newlywed pair. Athena watched as Reiji followed after him… she waved farewell to the whimpering mouse and followed closely behind, gripping her bouquet. They were almost there - not that she was excited to be wherever ‘there’ was. The sea scent was strong, causing Athena’s nose to tingle slightly and her eyes to water. Just where were they?
Towering palm trees stood up ahead, waving down at the wedded pair menacingly. Sandy beaches decorated with shells and fallen coconuts stood before the green land. Athena had never seen anything like it. A tall carriage awaited them at the end of the dock, a white stallion stood before it, and a footman sat comfortably, awaiting their arrival. Ken loaded their luggage as Reiji lifted Athena into the leather-scented transport. She sat by the window opposing the opened door, she stared out of it, admiring the beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen that wandered around the warm beaches. Athena’s dress was growing more and more uncomfortable and she stifled a groan as Reiji climbed in beside her.
“Only another hour,” he reassured, his tone… soothing for once. Athena nodded in response, resting her chin upon her left hand as the carriage took off.
Reiji’s scent was of tea, Athena noticed as the carriage rolled down a stoney road, and an old library - similar to home, she noted. He was silent and still the entire journey, paying no attention her way as they were carried away to their new temporary home.
The cottage had been concealed behind many trees and greenery, the white porch peeked through the leaves every so often, causing Athena to fidget more and more. When the carriage came to a halt, she waited for Reiji to climb out in order to help her down before glancing at the beautiful cottage. It was made of white panels with thin windows and a small roof. It was a very small building - especially for two rich children who were accustomed to living in manors and castles. The footman unloaded their luggage before heading off, leaving the pair alone outside their new home. Fighting the urge to scoff, Athena lifted some of the suitcases before hauling them towards the cottage.
“What are you doing?” Reiji asked her, his tone cold as he watched her waddle to the door in her flimsy heels. She ignored him, dragging the cases up the stairs of the porch and to the small, blue door.
“Home sweet home, Darling,” she murmured, reaching forward to twist open the door. It whined as it flew open, the scent of fresh paint made Athena smile absent mindedly as she stepped into the newly built house. She looked around, the hallway was extremely thin, a straight staircase stood to the side before the door. There was a cupboard under the stairs, she noticed, opening the silent door. Reiji could sleep there. With a small smile, she dragged the luggage down the hall and into the kitchen which stood at the end. It was a big kitchen considering the size of the house, and a dining room had been attached. The house was furnished - she noticed. She placed the bags on the floor, looking around in awe. It was a beautiful little cottage. Small, but beautiful.
“Enjoying yourself?” Reiji asked as he hauled the remainder of their luggage into the kitchen. He quirked an eyebrow at her as she wandered around the kitchen island towards the stove where a beautiful kettle stood.
“Oh my goodness,” she whispered, caressing the elegant handle before opening it to peak inside, “unused - perfect!” Ignoring Reiji, she filled the kettle with water from the kitchen sink’s tap and placed it upon the gas stove. “How many sugars do you require, my dear?” She asked, catching his eye from across the counter. He merely sighed, shaking his head.
“One cannot drink tea without the right ingredients or equipment,” he said, crouching to open a leather bag. Athena leaned over the counter, watching as he pulled a pair of china cups out of his bag followed by some tea and sugar.
“Do you carry milk around too?” Athena teased, opening the short fridge that stood beneath the counter, “Oh, nevermind, we have some - I hope it isn’t spoiled…” She opened the lid, sniffing the liquid before nodding, “We’ll live. Do you have milk?”
“Absolutely not,” he retorted, emptying his bag filled with china tea sets. Athena held back her laugh.
“Goodness me, you are aware we are only trapped here for a year, yes?” she asked, “You couldn’t have left your entire collection behind?” Reiji looked at her, unimpressed as he loaded the cups, plates, bowls and more into the cupboard by Athena’s head.
“This is only half of my collection,” he said, ignoring her as the kettle bean to wheeze, “no sugar.”
“That explains a lot,” Athena retorted, dropping the tea into their cups before filling them to the brim with scalding water. She dropped two sugars into her cup - it had tulips painted  upon it - and added a little bit of milk. She left Reiji’s as it was, scooting it across the counter to him before she lifted her cup to her lips. “I’m going to explore upstairs,” she said.
“Take your clothes with you.”
There was only one bedroom. It was small and a light cream colour with a polished, wooden floor. The bed was rather big - enough to fit three people at best - and it was plush and clean and smelt like lavender. A dresser stood against the wall, Athena placed her cup upon it before unloading her own bag upon the bed. She saved the dresser standing at the end of the bed for the Sakamaki boy. After an hour, Athena had finally unpacked her clothes and finished her tea - she was extremely exhausted; that was expected after travelling for so long without rest though. Yawning, she lifted her now empty cup and made her way down the wooden steps. Reiji was still in the kitchen, rearranging things to the way he’d like. Athena watched him closely before putting her cup on the side and folding her arms over her chest. He’d unpacked six bags - Athena’s paint brushes had been placed in a wooden pot upon the window sill, her paints stacked beside them against the wall. Her art easel had been propped against the wall beside them, it was stained with paint and the wood had been splintering for decades. A thin mat had been laid out upon the small dining table, little flowers had been sewn into the white fabric and floral dinner mats had been placed upon it, in front of the tall chairs. The bookshelf hidden in the wall had been filled with both his and her books, along with a few more of her paints. Her canvases had been tucked in the gap between the wall and the enlarged bookshelf. She cast her glance to Reiji. He’d removed his blazer and his waistcoat, they’d been folded neatly and placed upon the countertop beside his own empty cup. His shirt was as pale as he was and was loosely fitted on his body. He dragged a hand through his hair, turning to look at her as he said, “Did you need something?”
“Not at all,” Athena replied, drumming her nails upon the countertop, “are you almost finished?”
“I believe so - only my clothes are left,” he replied, gesturing to the final bag that lay before his polished shoes. Athena nodded in response as she wandered towards him.
“Would you like me to sort your clothes?” she asked, “It would save you energy.” He raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he effortlessly lifted the bag and handed it to Athena. She took it gracefully, hauling it up the stairs and tending to their shared bedroom once more. She’d already placed her bouquet in a vase on the right side of the bed, she planned on painting it later on. Carefully, she unzipped her husband’s bag and silently began to fold his clothes and put them away neatly. She was nearly finished when she looked up and caught sight of herself in the long mirror that was above the dresser. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Oh my-” she whispered, pressing her hand to her chest. She wanted it off - needed it off. Her breathing grew heavier as her desperate cries grew louder. She reached for the ribbon of the corset, willing to pull it off - it only tightened. She let out a petrified cry as she desperately tried to rip at the fabric. She could barely breathe - her panic was all too much. She wanted to be free. Cold tears rolled down her cheeks as she tugged at her hair, causing it to cascade down her spine, pins were still hanging in it as she tugged at the long locks. Her cries were loud as she crouched down, lifting the skirt to remove one of her shoes. She wanted one of her brothers to save her. Now. Agonising cries echoed throughout the room as she tried to pull the corset down, it didn’t work and her efforts in tearing it were useless.
“What are-” Reiji’s voice sounded as he stood at the door, his eyebrows were furrowed as he watched his wife tug helplessly at the dress.
“Get it off!” she yelped, gasping for air as her knees wobbly, “Please,” she choked on her sobs as she snapped one of her nails, trying to peel the tight dress off. Reiji slowly stepped behind her, staring at the back of her dress. “Reiji!” It was the first time she’d ever said her name - and she was screaming it with raw emotion as she tugged at the dress. She felt light-headed as the panic and fear embraced her. He grabbed the back of her corset, trying to tear at it - but alas, it didn’t tear. Athena’s sobs grew louder as Reiji pulled at the fabric, attempting to rescue her.
“What did you do?” he asked, attempting to untie the knot the corset had made. It was too tight and Athena’s sobs were causing a headache. “Stay still.” Fishing a dagger from her pocket, he cut open her dress. The fabric fell to the floor, leaving her in the loose, white dress she’d worn beneath it. She let out a loud, sharp gasp as she desperately pushed the dress off her. She gripped Reiji’s arm as she stepped weakly out of it. She hated it. Hated the dress, the wedding, the house, her husband. She wanted to be free. Slowly and shakily, she sank to her knees, she aggressively wiped her tears, causing her makeup to smudge as she pushed the horrid fabric away from her. Reiji stayed silent as he lifted the gorgeous dress. He hung it up, placing it in the tiny wardrobe made for only two items of clothing - specifically their wedding attire. Athena fell back, stretching her legs out as she cried, ignoring his presence. Irritated, the vampire crouched before her, untying her heel before removing it from her foot. Blisters decorated the soles of her feet, causing her to wince as the horrid foot-reshaper was removed. Careful, Reiji placed the shoes in the small closet before closing the door. “Pull yourself together,” Reiji finally snapped, grasping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, “I hate this just as much as you do but you need to deal with it.” He spat, forcing her to look into his eyes, “Go and clean yourself up, I cannot stand the sight of you.” He let go of her rather harshly before leaving her alone on the bedroom floor. Why did she have to live with this?

It Was All Arranged [R. Sakamaki]Where stories live. Discover now