Goodnight Academy

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Athena had been sulking in her room, standing before the large windows as the information digested within her. Her hair was a mess and she was only dressed in the thin white robe she'd thrown on after her long bath. It was tied loosely and had fallen to reveal her left, freckled shoulder. A voice disrupted her thoughts.

"I told you," Ruki said softly. He was holding two cups in his hand and he passed her one as he moved to stand beside her, "I'd never lie to my Queen unless her husband ordered me to. Even then, I would struggle."

"You sound like a fool," she murmured, taking a sip of the rich tea, "mediocre."

"Only one of us was a barista," he commented, causing her to huff with a small smile.

"Hanamura was lying, wasn't he?" She said after a while, "Things aren't okay over there."

"The South Wall was breached," he said, "an entire village was taken out; the remaining citizens reside in the castle until their homes are rebuilt."

"That's awful."

"One of the princes has been injured, something to do with his leg."

"Do you know which one?"

"I do not."

"Do they have any clues as to who the attacker might be?"

"I'm afraid not." The Queen sighed at Mukami's response as she leaned her back against the wall, her body facing him.

"My people were slaughtered," she said, "my brother was murdered... and I'm not allowed to participate in the meetings or the investigation. I'm hidden away instead."

"You are the last Founder," Ruki said, "the attacker can't find you so he's targeting your Kingdom."

"I know."

"You have suspicions," Ruki said, catching her eyes with his.

"The mystery son," she said gently, "Karlheinz's seventh. I've no idea who else."

"What about the eldest son?"

"He hasn't been seen in a long time," Athena said, "I doubt he'd attack us; he's too lazy." Ruki snorted as Athena looked out the window. "I'm angry with Reiji, but I will do as he wishes, investigating the man he was ignorant to."

"Why don't you divorce him?" Ruki asked as Athena placed her teacup down. She folded her arms over her chest as she sorted out her robe, covering herself properly.

"I couldn't," she said. "I owe him more than just my life."

"Marriage is for people who love one another."

"Marriage is a contract and a union between two people," Athena said, "you aren't royalty so you weren't raised on contracts and such. I'll let it slide for now."

"You're pessimistic."

"And you're oddly optimistic."

"You could marry a man who loves you."

"Oh really?" She snorted, "And who would that be? You?" He was silent for far too long. "Don't be ridiculous, Ruki. I have a duty. One I intend to bear until the day I die."

"A shame," Ruki said, "my offer will stand for as long as eternity."

"Will it now?" Athena rolled her eyes, "I'm going to retire to bed - I'm sharing Yui's bed, that way no one can sneak in with me." She huffed, taking her pyjamas into her hands, "You are dismissed."

"I am not some sort of servant that can be dismissed as you please." Athena only looked at him harshly before he sighed and left the room. She shivered as she slipped into her shorts and tank top before leaving her room and entering the slumbering Yui's.

It Was All Arranged [R. Sakamaki]Where stories live. Discover now