She Knows

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For the first time since she'd lived in that apartment, it finally felt like a home. He hadn't moved in with much, only some clothes and his laptop. It was weird to watch him sitting at the table, his back straight as he typed away on the quiet keyboard. He looked handsome in his modern clothes, grey joggers and a simple blue t-shirt. Athena had thought she was hallucinating when she spotted his bare forearms.

"What're you up to?" She asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. Reiji looked up from the screen, fuschia eyes raking the lacy nightgown she wore. His lips parted as she lifted his china cup which she'd made his tea in. He watched her intently as she placed the cup beside his laptop. She was about to move to see what he was doing before his hand grasped her hip, forcing her away from the screen. She frowned.

"Zoom call," he whispered, "I'm technically in class." He gestured to the earphone. Athena blinked in response. "I'm muted, don't worry."

"Technology baffles me," she shrugged, turning around. She shrieked when Reiji's hand made contact with her backside, causing the man to chuckle as she turned around, cheeks burning.

"You're distracting me," he said, eyes raking her once more, "you should get ready, you have school soon."

The months had passed now and the autumn months faded into spring. Athena was a few months away from finally completing her course. She'd been painting Yui's wedding when cold hands grabbed her shoulders and a soft voice whispered, "I know what you are."

"Say it," she replied, lips stretching into a smirk, "out loud." She turned, eyes narrowing, "Say it!"

"A vampire," Rory whispered, wiggling his light brown fingers as if he were attempting to frighten a child. Athena snorted as she placed her brush into the water, swirling it around.

Rory was one of the friends she'd made during her time at college - a drama major who'd convinced himself that Athena was a vampire because of her pale skin and sharp canines… not that he knew he was right. "Where oh where are we having our lunch today, young madam?"

"The cafeteria?" She blinked as she untied her paint-splattered apron and unbound the auburn curls she'd pinned to the back of her head.

"Someone looks spectacular," grinned Rory, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he led her out of the art room.

Athena was wearing a lovely overall dress which was brown and a pale orange top beneath that. Her wrists were decorated with silver bangles and her index finger wore a smooth, silver ring. A promise ring, Reiji had called it.

"What are you doing tonight, Queen?" Rory's hazel eyes sparkled as the pair sat at one of the round tables. He leaned forward, resting his cheek on his palm as he drew shapes into the table with his short, coloured nails.

"My brother-in-laws' birthdays," she replied.


"Triplets," she said, "each born on a seperate day."

"That labour must've been long," shivered Rory.

"Isn't that just how triplet and twin birthdays are?"

Today was Laito's birthday and when Athena finished here at one o'clock, she and Reiji would be heading to the old Sakamaki Manor - the halfway point between Ayato, Reiji, Athena and Yui and the others.

"Tell them I say happy birthday," winked Rory.

"They don't know who you are."

"Video me saying it then."


"Hi Reiji!" Grinned Athena as she wrapped her arms around the taller man's waist. He'd been waiting outside the building, their new black car shiny beneath the cold sun.

It Was All Arranged [R. Sakamaki]Where stories live. Discover now