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"Finally I am transferring to a new school" Said Eunchae as she picked up her bag to go to her new school as her brother was scolding her cuz he was getting late for work and he also had to drop her to the school....

"HONG EUNCHAE HURRYY" said her oppa...."Yh yh coming!" She shouted and ran to the car....(their family is quite rich so they gifted Joshua a car on his birthday).......

"Wake up early next time" he said..." Ok whatever" she fed up as her brother told this to her a 100th time....

Luckily her school was close to his office so he drops her schoolor else she would have to take a bus to school.....

They reached the school...."enjoy your first day manchae" he said softly....yh even though they just fought they are still sweet to eachother....she hugged him and went out of the car and he drove away.....

"I am ready for today" She said as she was in front of the school as she entered and suddenly she felt a weird stare but ignored it......

She went inside the school and suddenly a girl came to her, because she appeared so suddenly, Manchae got scared and jumped...."sorry" said the girl.."it's ok" Manchae said....

"Btw are u new here?" Said the girl ...."yeah" she said...."ooo let me take you to the principal's room" said the girl..."ok btw ur name?" She asked....."Pham Ngoc Han, u can call me Hanni and yours? The girl asked..
"Hong Eunchae but call me Manchae"....

"Ok Manchae let's go now" the girl said as they walked to the principal office....."ok I have to go now byee.." Hanni said as she flew away....."byee" she bid her goodbye and entered the office...."may I come in sir"she asked...."ahh come in are u the new transferee?" ......."yes" She said...

"Ok here is your locker key, the time table, and your class no." He gave her everything and she bowed deeply...."happy first day" He said and I just smiled and went out of the office ....

She looked at the class no. "11th C? Where is this class?" Suddenly Hanni appeared..."Can u please stop popping out of no where!!"...."sorry...hehe" Hanni grinned...."which class did u got?" She asked...."11th C.." Manchae said..."YAAYY WE GOT THE SAME CLASS!!!!" Hanni happily jumped as she started to jump also, she were dancing when Hanni looked at the time and said..."Shoot! we're getting late let's go" She grabbed her hand and they ran to the class.....

They entered and Manchae already felt stares and saw some girls and boys looking at her and talking bout her, she could also hear some talking...." She is so cute" said a boy..."is she the new student?"..."yh I think she is" ..... Everyone was talking about her and Manchae meanwhile was looking for seat when suddenly Hanni tapped on the seat next to her she went and sat beside Hanni....

And the bell rang...and she saw so many students running to their class, some just walking normally and some didn't even bothered to go to their class and minded their own business...

Then the teacher came...."Hello everyone I am your teacher, my name is Lee Soojin, you all can call me Ms.Lee"...."there is also a new student who just transferred to our school, please come and introduce yourself".....Manchae got up and went to center..."Annyeonghaseyo Eunchae Imnida, I am 16 years old and my hobby is dancing and playing volleyball"....

"Ok Eunchae, you can go and sit back to your seat" ... She bowed to the teacher and went back to her seat...."ok so-"...Ms.Lee was bout to say smth until someone bashed in the class disturbing the whole class...


I was listening to the teacher as she was about to day smth when suddenly three boys came out of nowhere...."so rude" I thought to myself..." Excuse me misters u are late for your class by 10 mins" The boys didn't even bothered to look at her and went to their seats..."DETENTION FOR COMING LATE TO CLASS AND ALSO FOR MISBEHAVIOUR TOWARDS TEACHER!!" Ms.Lee exploded....

"She is a short tempered person" I thought to myself..... Suddenly one of the boys looked at gave her the 'do u wanna get killed' look and Ms.Lee got more red and went close to the boy..."who are you to look at me like that?" Ms.Lee said as The boy looked at her...."Nishimura Riki, the principal's son who can get you fired in just seconds"

As soon as he said that...Ms.Lee gulped and bowed to him...."Sorry Mr.Nishimura, please don't get me fired" Ms.Lee begged...."Sure but don't ever bother me, let me do what I want" he exclaimed....Ms.Lee bowed as a yes....

"The father is such a kind soul and the son is such a devil" I thought to myself....I suddenly felt stares from everyone, even from ms.Lee...."what did u said" Hanni asked with a shocked face ..... My eyes widened when I realised that He was also staring at me....I think I mumbled it too loud

"You are dead Manchae" I whispered to myself.....

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