WHO? - 14

320 13 2

Author's pov:

Two weeks have passed and Eunchae has been really quite, she only told Hanni about it because she trusts her ...

On the other hand, Niki ...

Well he is always trying to talk to Eunchae and befriend her but she always walks past him without saying anything ...

Sad :(

Let's see what happens now :D

Eunchae's pov:

I woke up as usual with a puffy face, last night I cried again because I felt bad for ignoring Niki and my parents but I have to do this, I don't want to get close to Niki ...

I don't know why but it just feels right, I don't know how to describe this but if I'll get close to him ...

I'll fall in love ...

And that's what I fear the most, I don't want to fall in love with him ... He's a Playboy and probably have girls wrapped around his fingers, I don't want to get treated like his toy ...

Well that's what I think, he's a nice guy but I don't know why my trust issues won't let me give him a chance ...

I got up from my bed and entered the bathroom to brush my teeth ... After brushing I picked up my clothes and took a quick shower, I got out of shower with a towel wrapped around my body ...

(Knock knock)

"Eunchae can I come in?" I heard a voice outside the door, "not right now, I'm changing!" I yelled "Oh ok I will talk to you later" oppa said as I rolled my eyes ...

Not again about the marriage thing, I don't want to talk about it, "Hello??" "What oppa??!" I sreamed, "I didn't heard an ok or a fine Ms.Hong?" "UGH FINEE!!" I screamed as I heard footsteps going downstairs...

I got ready and putted on some makeup as well as did my hair, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs ...

"Sit down" Oppa said as he patted at the seat at the dining table next to him, I quitely sat down ...

"Now what is it that you wanna talk about" I spoke with an attitude as I knew what it is all about ...

"So, I tried my best to-"
"To convince mom and dad to stop wedding but they didn't agree again and they said it's really important, stay out of the matter Josh" I said completing the sentence ...

He looked down as I started munching on my waffles with egg and apple juice ...

Also today's my exam so wish me luck, after I finished my breakfast, I washed my dish and grabbed my backpack ...

(Half an hour later)

"Best of luck for your exam" he said as he I nodded and got out of the car, he drove away ...

I entered the school and saw Hanni, I smiled at her as she saw me and walked over to me ...

Hanni is only person I can talk comfortably with now, she helped me so much and I just can't live without her at thi point ...

"So how are things going?" She asked as I sighed, "You already know" I said as she just hummed ...

We walked over to our class to see Jungwon walking over to us, "Hey Eunchae, how are you?"

"I'm just fine, what about you?"

I asked not interested in the conversation that much, I can see him getting tensed ...

"Well I have something to tell you!" He said with a bright smile as my heart almost skipped a beat ...

I hate to admit it but I'm kind of starting to like him, "Ok" I tried to hide the little pink blush I had on my face as he lead me to a corner ...

He started talking with me and I didn't even know that I got so carried away that I forgot to ask him about the thing he wanted to say ...

I finally snapped back, "Umm what were you going tell me Jungwon?" ...

"Oh yeah! all I wanted to say is that our school is planning a trip to Jeju Island, it was decided yesterday by principal to only the presidents but I guess you forgot to read my message" He said I widened my eyes ...

I have never been to Jeju Island before, "OMG REALLY?!?" I screamed with excitement ...

"Yeah but after exams" He said as I nodded, legit forgot that today is our exam, wait today is our exam right??? ..


I immediately grabbed Jungwon's hand and started running to our class, "Eunchae what's wrong!?"


I said as Jungwon increased his speed as we both reached to our class just in time ...

"Miss may we come in?" He said reaching for air as Ms.Lee gave us a death stare ...

I looked over to see Eunchae smiling at me as I gave her a glare ...

"Where were you both?!?" Ms.Lee said as some imaginary horns grew on her head, If you know what I mean ...

We both just lowered our head, "Answer me Mr. Yang and Ms. Hong!!" She said as I stayed silent while Jungwon explained to her ...

"Ok I forgive you two but you two are still 20 minutes late to the exam so detention after exam!!" She said we just nodded ...

"Also you two will not get extra time so hurry up!!" She yelled at us as we rushed over to our seat before passing each other a smile ...

I sat on my seat (btw it's a singular seat so Hanni is not beside me :(. )


I've never taken an exam this long man!! It was so tiring !!! ...

The bell rang as I got off my seat and went over to Hanni ...


I cupped her mouth as she laughed even harder and all her spit got on my hand, great ...

I went to the washroom and started to wash my hands, after washing them I was about to go but then ...

"Stay away from my boyfriend bitch!"

"Who are you?"

To be continued....

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