BIKE - 9

392 21 33


I woke up as the sunlight hitted my face.... I slammed the alarm clock and went to freshen up ..... After that, I went to brush my teeth.... After brushing my teeth, I went to grab my uniform and iron it quickly..... I grabbed my hair accessories and went inside the bathroom with my towel only......

I just sang some songs while showering and got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body..... I wore my clothes and did my skincare routine and putted on light makeup.... That's it, I am ready.... I went downstairs to watch oppa cooking...

" What are u making oppa?" I asked, " Just pancakes" He said as I jumped excitedly... Pancakes are my fav!!.... I sat down and watched my phone for some time... Joshu oppa plated the pancakes infront of me and also a glass of fresh juice....

I started eating but my eyes diverted on my phone.... " Eunchae stop watching phone and eat quickly!!' He said as I flinched, " Geez ok oppa just chill.." I said as I started eating again but without watching phone now......

Ding dong ( damn Jk is that you?!?!)

" Someone's at the door!" I said as Joshu oppa got up and opened it... I tried my best to look at the person but Joshu oppa's broad shoulders didn't allowed me to.... Huhu-

" Umm hi" The person said and I think I know who it is ... Wait-


Wtf is he doing here...  I immediately got up and went to the door and it was actually him ....

What the fuck?

Why is he at my house now ... " Hi Eunchae" He said waving at me as I just quietly waved back confused... " Who are u and are u her boyfriend?" Joshu oppa asked but he sounded scary but like really scary....

" No no no sir I am her.... Umm friend yes!! Friend!! Haha" Niki said..... I was just trying to control my laugh cuz this dude looked so scared like bro was about to pee in his pants lmfoa... (Yes lmfoa cuz I luv TXT! Muah 💋 💅🏻)

" So u are her friend huh? What do u want?" Oppa asked .... " Stop scaring him oppa!!" I said, he just rolled his eyes and went inside to grab his bag and leave for work ..... " What the fuck are u doing here?!?!"

I asked whispering at him as he just smiled at me sheepily... This bitch-
Eunchae calm down.... Breath in breath out!!.... " Idk I want to go to school with you!!" He said as I glared at him.... " Don't u know my oppa drops me at the school?" I asked...

" I know but still I just wanna go with youuu!! Plsss!!" He showed me his puppy eyes... N-now that's t-too cut-e th-ho ... I rolled my eyes and went inside as he followed me ....

" Oppa can I go to school with Niki?" I asked as he looked at me... Well that stare was scary but not for me tho hehe.... " Can I trust him?" He said as I looked over at Niki and saw him sweating.... Poor guy

" Ofc sir u can... I will protect your sister at any cost and I have a bike don't worry!!" He said as I look over at him shocked... This bitch is serious rn?.... Pfff whatever...

Joshu oppa just nodded and I went to him and hugged him.... " Go with Niki ok? Byee Manchae!!" He said smiling at me as I just nodded and went outside with Niki sulking.... " Guess I won your brother's heart"

"Pff bitch move away and why did u do that?!?" I asked but he just ignored me and Putted on his helmet and passed me one..... I just putted it on also and sat on the bike.... " Hold onto me or else u might fall" He warned me...

" Mehh I am strong I will not fall u just do u work" I said rolling my eyes as he started riding the bike .... He was slow at first but then he increased the speed making me wrap my arms around his torso..... " I thought u said you are strong Ms.Hong" Niki said...

" Shut up!!" I said as we were still in this position... He smelled like lavender, maybe he applied a perfume but this scent was so good.... I will just ask him

" What perfume do u use? I like the lavender scent" I complimented the scent that I mesmerized in.... " I got it from Daiso in the perfume's section" He said as I just made an 'oh' face.... I will definitely ask Hanni to go visit Daiso store with me now...

I didn't even realised that we reached school already.... I got up from the bike and handed him the helmet... "No thank u?" He said as I sticked my tongue out and went inside... I am pretty sure he is sulking right now hehe....

I was looking for Hanni but didn't saw her anywhere... Is she absent??... Maybe she is with Kkura unnie... I was going to kkura Unnie's class but I felt many weird stares and ngl I was kinda uncomfortable so I just quickly went to her class as fast as I can...

I entered Kkura Unnie's class and saw her sitting with Hee oppa... I excitedly ran to them and throwed myself at Kkura unnie and gave a warm hug to Hee oppa, he is like my older brother after all... " Unnie have you seen Hanni anywhere?" I asked " Ig she messaged you yesterday? Cause she messaged me" she said as I quickly opened my phone and saw messages and missed calls from Hanni...

Oh no..

The message:-  Sorry Manchae I will be absent tomorrow cause I have a fever right now and it's getting worse so please take care of yourself and tell me everything that happened today.. bye have a nice day Tomorrow!!


I don't what I will do without her and also the Daiso store!!... Guess I will go with my members now... Oh well I have kazuha in my class so it's fine..

I was about to walk away but I saw other members entering the class laughing as they saw us and come to us running... Cute

We all did a group hug and discussed about our group and but I didn't catched up cause I had to class and have a conversation with Jungwon.. Class president things yk?

I excused myself and quickly went to my locker and grabbed my books.... I was grabbing my books until someone pushed me making me trip but I balanced my self at the right time... Phew and now who was this bitch?!?

" Stay away from my oppa!!"

"What the fuck?"

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