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Eunchae's pov:

After our little 'makeout session', we went to go practice for our dance competition and it literally took us almost 30 minutes to decide the song ...

But man can I talk about his dance room ?!?! LIKE DAMN THIS GUY IS WAY MORE OBSESSED WITH DANCE THAN ME ...

After that we decided to add some moves ourselves and watch some videos for other parts ...

We also decided to have a little solo part for each other as I chose the starting part from 'Women' by Doja Cat ...

Niki chose 'Shape of you' by Ed Sheeran and I can see that this guy has some taste in music as well ...

As for the couple part, we chose 'We don't talk anymore' by Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez, we also chose 'Die for you' By Weeknd and Ariana Grande ...

We both started off by trying to complete 'We don't talk anymore', after about 1.5 hours it was halfway done, yes only HALFWAY because Niki corrected me even on my tiniest mistake ...

We took a break as we started to talk about what we were doing and I also told him that Hanni got asked out by Sunoo, oh dear his face was to look at ...

After about 15 minutes of just drinking our lemonades which the maids prepared for us, we started to dance again ...

This time I was pretty much confident with myself as I kept dancing and correcting my mistakes on my own ...

I looked over at Niki to see him sweating from head to toe, "You should take your shirt off" ...

I said as he looked at me, "Would you be comfortable with that?" I frowned and said yes as he took his shirt off ...

I was totally wrong, I was way too much disturbed by the guy like he has abs at the age of 18 ?!?! ...

I kept looking at his shirt as he smirked and got closer to my face, "Like what ur seeing huh?" I just gulped and nodded ...

He frowned and started laughing, "OMG you looked so funny hahaha" I smiled after seeing his boxy smile, how can he be so ripped and a baby at the same time ...

We continued our practice as I also started correcting Niki cause he was probably getting tired, me too but we just can't stop right now ...

We both pushed ourselves as we managed to complete quater of the song, and yes we perfected each and every step ...

Like by perfection I mean PERFECTION, we even measured our distance from each other and our positions in each and every step ...

It was a really tiring day for me, as Niki was sweating too as we both changed our clothes and went to his room again ...

"Btw I forgot to complement you today so you look beautiful today babe" he said as I turned deep red and just mumbled a thank you before saying ...

"You look too hot today yk?"

I ran after that as he started chasing me and soon we reached his room, still that chasing didn't stop as I layed on the bed and him on top of me ...

"Now what?" I asked as he looked at me, "Now we do-" he smacked a pillow at my face "THIS" and with that we began ...

*Sigh* no matter how mature we act, we are still kids as we continued our pillow fight with two pillows fighting against eachother ...

Only giggles, the sound of pillows smacking and screaming could be heard as I was on the top and he was on the bottom ...

We finally stopped after some good 15 minutes or so as some maid interrupted us by calling us for snacks, wait is it already evening?!? ...

I checked the time and yes, it was currently 5:06 PM as we both sat up and tidied up and we went downstairs ...

We went to the dining table as we sat there, "Wait is this supposed to that fancy?" I asked as he just nodded ...

They served us some tea and some french toasts, who the fuck has french toasts in the evening?!? ...

I just want some ramen and mango juice on the side, what even is this ?!? ...

"Are we really going to eat this in evening?" Well it's not like I'm not rich, it's just that I stopped acting like it ...

That's probably why I'm not used to this, we started eating and ngl it's pretty good, just too heavy ...

I only had two toasts and I was full, I finished my cup of tea before getting up and excusing myself to the washroom ...

Niki was already done so he just got up and went to his room, I came and asked the maids about Niki as they told me he went upstairs ...

I went to his room and there he was, scrolling on his phone as I took my purse, "Alright so I should be leaving now" he looked at me ...

"Sure I'll drop you"
"No need sir"
"Yes Manchae it's dangerous outside"

Our argument went for like 5 minutes until I had to finally give up as he grabbed his car keys before heading out ...

We reached to the car garage and damn, this guy has way too many car brands but my garage has more cars of same brands just different colours ...

We sat in the car as he parked it out and started driving, it took just 26 minutes for me to reach home ...

We both got out as we went inside the house, after all we both agree that my house is way more comfortable ...

We jumped on the couch and cuddles together talking about random things before he finally decided to leave ...

I bid him a goodbye with a peck on the lips which suprisingly he turned it into a whole kiss ...

After that, he left as I went to go change my clothes into some comfortable clothes and after that I washed and chopped some veggies for dinner as Joshua oppa arrived ...

Hope you guys liked this chapter, I was going for a short comfort chapter but this got a little longer than I expected ...
Anyways bye, drink water and eat <3

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