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A few days have passed and Niki have. Started to bully me and ngl it kinda hurts but he doesn't bully me physically....... He did things like he threw some paper balls at me in the middle of class, always told me hurtful words whenever we met, teased me and many more and he did it all in front of Hanni......Did I fought back?....OFC.... I would always come up with something whenever he bully me and always stood up for myself the fight was not physical ofc, it was just words spitting out of our mouths randomly and ngl it felt good to stand up for myself.... In the end Hanni would drag me out of this or Heeseung would drag him out of this.... We two always bickered while the students just looked at us in awe and talk about how good of a couple we look..... Pfft me and him together? Never ✨...

I woke up and did my daily routine....Putted on some makeup and brushes my hair, honestly it's so boring and today I want to make more friends today like a friend group yk ...
This is how I looked like:

After doing all this I went out of my room and went to the dining table and saw Joshu oppa cooking as always (a/n: I swear to y'all he is so husband material btw my next book after this finishes will be a Joshua book so make sure to read it 🤡) Ho...

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After doing all this I went out of my room and went to the dining table and saw Joshu oppa cooking as always (a/n: I swear to y'all he is so husband material btw my next book after this finishes will be a Joshua book so make sure to read it 🤡) Honestly we could have been living in LA right now if Mom and dad didn't wanted us to leave our home country so we had to stay here......Well I mean I guess it's good since I have friends and... A bully also whatever 🙄....... Joshu oppa placed the food in front of me and him and I grinned when I saw the food..... It was Ttobokki (with fish cake) and CHOCOLATE!!!! (a/n: wierd combo Ik but it's not like she is gonna combine both) after eating this, we both grabbed our bags and went out to our car as both sat down in it and started to drive.......

After some time, we reached my school..... "Bye Manchae have a good day and I want you to be the president ok" Joshua oppa said I smiled and nodded and hugged him.... Then I went out of the car and he drove away.... I went inside and started to look for Hanni.... As I was going inside I saw Niki and I ran as quickly as I could coz I don't wanna fight him as it's early morning who has the energy to bicker right now...... I was running as I bumped into someone and it was.......Hanni well atleast she didn't scared me like always....."Oh girl you are finally here I have been looking for you yk?" Hanni said...." Wait for me at the gate every morning ok? My brother drops me there" I said and she nodded.... "So where is my morning hug huh?" Hanni said as I pulled her into a tight hug as she giggled...I swear to y'all she is so cute...."Let's go to meet Sakura Unnie!!" "Looks like somebody are bestfriends without me" Hanni said as she made a TT face lol..."Nah stoopid you are my first priority here let's go now" I said as I dragged her to unnie's class

We reached to her class and we saw her flirting with ....... Heeseung her lovey dovey boyfie (a/n: Lovey lovey lovey dovey dovey dovey 😗💪🏻) I made a disgusting face and so did Hanni as we looked at each other....Then she noticed us and she pushed him aside and waved to us as we went to her ...... "Unnie ngl u both were cringy sry" I said as she hit my arm playfully....." Btw I forgot to introduce you to my boyfie Manchae so let me do it now!! Heeseung she is Eunchae but we call her Manchae and Manchae this Heeseung aka Hee but call him oppa ok?" She said as he waved at me and smiled and he's handsome.... I waved back and smiled at him ..... "You study in the same class with Niki, Jungwon and Sunoo right?" I just smiled and nodded .... Well I only knew about Niki coz y'all know why 🙄, Jungwon coz he volunteered to be the class president same as me, and I didn't knew about this Sunoo guy, well he might be the brown haired one that is always with these two (Niki and Jungwon) he's so cute tho- STOPPP IT MANCHAE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM GURL AHSVDHJS.....

I checked the time and it was almost the time for bell to ring...." Hanni come let's go it's almost time the class will start" I said as we both bid our goodbye to them and went to the locker to grab our books..."You know that today are the results that who will be the class president?" Hanni as I nodded nervously...."Don't worry Ik you are gonna win, look at youself you have been working so hard for this I am sure it will you" Hanni said as she hugged and I hugged her back ...... Then we went to our class and entered right at the time coz when we entered the bell rang so we immediately ran to our seats and sat

I was looking around and saw the boys (Niki,Jungwon and Sunoo).... I was looking at Jungwon as he also looked at me and waved at me and so did I but I was feeling kinda shy so I looked away immediately..... I looked back again but this time it was Niki.... My eyes immediately narrowed and my mind started to boil coz he was smirking at me...UGH! I hate his wierd creepy smirk, I just want to take that smirk off his face and throw it in the dustbin.... I looked forward coz it's mah choice ..... Then the teacher came and we greeted her... After a few moments she said......"So, do you all remember the class president nomination, well the principal have decided that there will be two class president more like partners and one will a boy and one will be girl so now I will announce the presidents now" Ms.Lee said as I started to panic and Hanni tried to calm me down...."So first is the male president who is.... Yang Jungwon!!!" She said everyone cheered for him and so did I as he got up and went near the teacher......"So, now it is time for the female president who is....Hong Eunchae!!".......The teacher called name?? I am the president of our class?? Seriously??!!....."Manchae you did it!! Now go to the centre" Hanni said as she pushed me while I was still trying to process coz u see I have never been a class president my whole life even tho I am a topper.... It's just not for me but now I think that I have big responsibilities now.... I feel like I have burdan now ..... But we will see what will happen next ...

I went to the centre and stood beside Jungwon and honestly I was blushing Cos he is kind of my type and I decided to look over at Niki and saw him glaring at us and I decided to ignore him ...... " Ms.Hong and Mr.Yang, you both have the responsibility of the whole class now so be aware of it and I don't want any complain from this class" Ms.Lee as we both nodded and bowed to her went to our seats....." Gurl, congrats you are now the class president " Hanni said as I smiled at her and Ms.Lee just continued teaching us


That Eunchae and Jungwon are together now.... I won't have time to see her and bully her ..... I also wanted to the class president but that's not that important the thing more important is that they both will get close and she won't talk to me..... Guess I will have to bully her more or do smth but I have to get close to her .....

End if this chapter hope y'all liked it 😁💖

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