STUDY? - 17

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Eunchae's pov:

Today is our holiday because they gave us a day to prepare for our exams ...

It was 12 PM rn, I ate my breakfast and I'm studying rn. I wonder what Niki is doing ...

It has not even been a day since I have last seen him yet I'm still worried for him ...

I should probably continue studying ...

( 3 hours later )

Ok I've had enough, I cannot stay in this house just studying, I should call him ...


N: Hello?

E: Hii Niki!

N: Eunchae shouldn't u study rn?

E: I just finished studying and I miss you !!

N: you already miss me? I have an idea!

E: what idea?

N: How about I come to your house to study ?

E: oh ok!

N: Ok so I will arrive by 5 PM

E: ok bye!

(Hangs up)

Oh my god he's coming to my house what should I do???? I'm not even dressed properly I should go dress up, also I should prepare for something to eat ...

I immediately got up and looked at myself, guess I will really need some work ...

I put up a song from my playlist, vibing and cleaning the house until it was spotless and everything was in place ...

After that I took out my clothes from my wordrobe and went inside the shower ...

(Thirty minutes later)

I came with my hair wrapped in a towel and my clothes on as I went and sat on my dressing table ...

Btw that's what she's wearing:

I took out my dyson blow dryer and started to dry my hair and yes I like to flex about things because that's what I bought them for!

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I took out my dyson blow dryer and started to dry my hair and yes I like to flex about things because that's what I bought them for! ...

This literally took me 24 minutes to do, after that I made my hair, I don't even know why I'm dressing up like that it just feels right atp ...

And then I did my little skincare before applying makeup as usual, I just put up my light everyday makeup ...

I looked at the time and it was 4:37 PM, I still have time maybe I should eat something I'm really hungry rn ...

I went downstairs and opened the fridge to see some grape juices cans as I picked one up and took a sip ...

But it was too sweet for me so I just putted it back like how it was, Oppa will kill me for this ...

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