DANCE - 23

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Eunchae and Niki practiced their heart away these two weeks for the dance competition. They first focused on 'we don't talk anymore' their duo song along with Eunchae's solo part as they continued their practice with Niki's solo and finally finishing all the hard work with 'die for you' their second duo part. Words can't be expressed how much they practiced for this ...

But they know that the others are not going to lack too ...

Eunchae's pov:

I woke up today with a good sleep of 8 hours unlike the sleep that I've had these two weeks, I finally felt fresh and on the circle of routine again. I work up at 11:00 AM today since school will be starting at 2:00 PM today cause today is the day, the day that I've been practicing my heart away for ...

I got ready immediately and wore a pair of sweatpants and made my hair with the bow I purchased for the competition, I will change into my performance clothes at School. I went downstairs while I checked the time, it was 12:56 PM. I am late ...

I immediately sat down as Joshua oppa offered me some banana pancakes with mango shake which I gladly accepted. I was busy on finishing my breakfast as Joshua oppa was busy interrogating me. "Have you prepared well Eunchae?", "Yes Oppa and we will surely win" I said with a confident expression on my face ...

"I don't want you to disappoint me" he said as he sat down next to me. Joshua oppa used to teach me how to dance properly when I was like 11, and now I've come this far that he is coming with me to watch my performance and be a judge for this competition. "I will never disappoint you Oppa, and even if I'm ever going to disappoint you, just remind me that I'm ur sister cause u can never disappoint someone" ...

I said that with a genuine smile on my face as he returned his heartwarming smile back to me. We finished quickly and left as soon as possible, you must be wondering why are we rushing things up? It's because I have to perform with Niki at the school dance room as well as others, we all decided to do a finally moment practice ...

After about 30 minutes, we reached school and entered it while joshua oppa was on a call with Sana unnie, as soon as he ended the call he told me, "Manchae Sana is coming to watch u" I immediately jumped and got excited, "OMG REALLY?!! YESSSS", "Aishh stop jumping around and go change!!" He said I just went straight to the bathroom as he made his way to the judges ...

I started to remove my dress and wear my clothes and tried really hard to just not mess with my hair with this. Finally I was done as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was looking good. I walked out of the bathroom and headed straight to the dance practice to meet everyone there. And there they were, panting and sweating so much that they could create a waterfall from their sweat. Jesus, what did they even do? ...

"Umm are y'all alright?" I asked as they looked at me smiled, "HIII MANCHAE" there came Yunjin unnie running towards me hugging me in the process. "Woah u are so sweaty what happened?" With that they all looked at eachother, "Umm nothing we just-" ...


"Bro Eunchae is so late" Jungwon said adjusting his shirt placement, "I know bro I'm gonna call her soon" I said looking at the screen deciding which song to play. "Guys how about we all go to the playground and have race, nobody is there" Chaewon said as she was walking hand in hand with Jay, her boyfriend. "Bro are u serious we literally have a competition after an hour or so" Wonyoung said looking at her, and they started bickering ...

After about 5-10 minutes, they all decided to go to the playground and have a race while Wonyoung was sulking and refused to play, 'Why are they even playing? Won't their makeup get ruined??' she thought to herself while adjusting her hair and smiling at herself. While the others were marking their positions, Heejin decided to be the refree as she wasn't that invested in racing ...

"On your marks! Get set GO!!" And with that, they all ran like their depended on it, sweat started to run down their faces after a while cause the sun was brightly shining that day and that was a big problem to everyone, especially the girls. They were looking like a possessed lady because of the makeup running down their skin, it was fun to look at. All of them were running really fast but Niki was on another level ...

He won the race like it was nothing while the others were panting and sweating, it was not like he was not sweating or tired but come on we know he has enough stamina to beat everyone else. He is the tallest after all. "Aww we all lost to this giant siren head!" Hanni said sulking as she hit him on the shoulders, "I can't help it, y'all are too slow haha" And with Niki left the ground while the others were drenched in their own sweat ...

They all went back and turned on the aur conditioners quickly, that's when Eunchae arrived and saw them in this poor condition ...


Author's pov:

They all were blabbering until they heard someone laughing out loud, it was none other than Eunchae. She was laughing her ass out as she was trying to say but just couldn't. To her, they were looking like just a bunch of stupid kids who can't do anything good without their mother, Like wdym they went racing just before a dance competition?!?! ...

To Eunchae, it was the funniest ever as her face rose once again and her laugh echoing around the room. The others were shocked to see her laughing out loud like this since she has been really invested and busy for her dance competition, it was like she was a whole new person in these 2 weeks. The others just laughed out in sync with her and some just smiled at her cuteness. She is like a baby to them, though she might be the smartest out of them all ...

After good 3-4 minutes of just fooling around and laughing, they finally stopped as they looked at eachother. "Sooooo, Can we practice now?" Chaewon unnie said looking at us, "You guys can start I'll get some water for all of us" Jake oppa said as he got up and left with Jungwon and Sunoo. It was Eunchae, Niki, Chaewon, Yunjin, Sakura, Heeseung, Wonyoung, Sunghoon, Hanni, Danielle, Minji, Hyerin, Haerin, Kazuha, Jay and their partners. After a while, those three came back with a carton of water ...

Then they started practicing for their dance showing eachother their moves and complimenting eachother because they totally forgot about the outfits they were wearing as they were too busy in fool and goofing around. All of them practiced for like half an hour seeing each other performances, Eunchae was getting a bit nervous since the others were doing way better then her in her mind. "It's ok Eunchae, our performance is gonna be the best" Niki said as he held her hand and whispered in her ear as she looked at him, a wave of panic rushed over her face ...

He looked at her and smiled slightly, she smiled back to him. After a while, they were called by the staff of our school to come on the backstage, all of them all rushed to get there. As soon as we went in there, they could see hundreds of people as audience and 5 judges sitting there, Joshua oppa being one of them. "Holy shit this is so scary bro!!" Yunjin yelled quietly as they all just laughed and agreed, but Eunchae was not laughing, infact she was not even smiling or giggling. 'Why am i having a bad feeling about this?' she thought to herself ...

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