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"So it's a ......"



Since it was an empty bus he screamed so loudly that the driver looked at us but at this point I don't even care, I have him and he has me ...

He immediately hugged me and kissed me, I was taken aback from the kiss but it just felt so good I just went in ...

His lips are just so pumpy and beautiful, I'm literally melting in his kiss ...

I finally did it! YES I DID!!!


We broke apart from the kiss panting and smiled at each other, the best 3 minutes of my life yet ...

"That was ... Amazing" he said as he smirked, and for the first time I don't find it annoying and creepy ...

I'm used to it, I pulled him closer to me which made him say down on the seat as I rested my head on his shoulder ...

"I love you so much Nishie"
"What the hell is Nishie?!" I smiled ...

"Your new nickname!" I said as he smiled too, "that's cute"
"It is"

We both just started at eachother observing and mesmerizing eachother ...

Everything just looks so fine on him, his pumpy lips and those moles, they always drive me insane ...

His fluffy hair and those deep black eyes ocean that I can dive into and drown...

I suddenly stopped when I realised that we're in public and the driver is probably wierd out from us ...

"My home is close now" I said as I looked outside, " wanna eat ramen at my place tonight?" He said smirking as I immediately smacked him ...


I yelled at him and looked away blushing from what he just said ...

I stood up as my stop came and I got out, but Niki also did ....

"So when are we going to tell him?" He asked me as I sighed, "He will kill you Niki" ...

"I know but he needs to know right?" He said walking with me ...

After some minutes, we finally reached my home as Niki was walking beside me ...

"Do you want to go to my home?" "Yeah"
"Just for fun"
My dirty ass mind made me blush because of this which was clearly visible to Niki as he noticed it and started laughing ...

"Dummy I was talking about playing games but we can also do that if u want" he said smirking as I smacked his head and walked away ...

I was red like a tomato and I didn't even knew that I missed my house as I kept walking ...

"HEY YOUR HOME IS RIGHT HERE BABE!!" I turned around, I will kill him today Istg ...

I walked to my house and opened the door, he sat on the couch and I also sat for some time ...

"So when will he get home?"
"Ig at 7 PM"
"Ok then I will wait"

"NO WAY NIKI" I said looking at him, my brother will kill him, like literally ...

I know that Niki is my future husband but Joshua oppa does not like him at all ... Or so I think

He just smirked and spread his legs sitting on the couch, I felt like that did something to me ...

I just sat with him and we both started talking and then Niki started flirting, oh god ...

"You know, you looked really good in that dress at the party that day" he said pushing my hair behind my ear ...

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