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Eunchae POV:

Gosh I am so dead why did I said that infront of the whole class and him also.....Oh shit what do I do now..

"Manchae, just do whatever but don't go near him I am warning you" Hanni said....."Am I that stupid to confront him after this" I said......"Let's just relax and see what will happen next" Hanni said....."Yeah BTW what is our next class?" I asked.."It's Swimming class, let's go we gotta change" Hanni said...."B-but I can't swim" I said...."This is why they are teaching stupid" Hanni said...."But it will be my first ti-" I didn't even got to complete cuz Hanni grabbed my hand and pulled me to the changing room..

(A/n: Btw you bought your Swimming suit/dress whatever)

I changed and Hanni bought me to a room that was very big and there was a pool in the middle of it....Ngl but this school is actually much bigger than my previous school and I am enjoying more here...As the bell rang all the other students came and also.....The devil came...What do I do now??


I came into the swimming room and fangirls started whispering, probably me and my friends or....that girl Eunchae or whatever it is...I turned my head to the other side of pool and saw Eunchae and Hanni...."Well well, look who we have here huh?" I said smirking...."Bro stop we came here to practice not now" My friend Sunoo said....."Well whatever" I said rolling my eyes at the girls...I was thinking that this is my chance to take my revenge so I kept thinking until I got an idea...."You will regret Eunchae" I thought to myself while smirking....


I was talking with Hanni Until I noticed Niki staring....I looked at him and it was like he was saying something but I couldn't heard it cuz he was at the other side of the pool but his smirk send shivers down to my spine.....I think he is planning on somethingThen our teacher came and started teaching us.....I noticed that Niki was coming over our side and stood kind of close to me.... probably because they couldn't heard the teacher from that far....After the teacher explained...she/he told some students to dive in the water and they did pretty well... impressing

Soon Our teacher gave us a break time and went out of the room....soen students were chatting, some were playing, some were practicing and me and Hanni weren't doing anything we were just staring at the pool unnecessarily......

I also noticed Niki and his friends were whispering and planning on something mischievous but the two friends didn't seem to agree with Niki but Niki was sulking at them and pleasing them.....He looks so cute while sucki- What the hell Manchae?!! What are you saying???I ignored them and started at the pool again and started to recall my trauma...


Little Manchae was playing near a pool in her Kindergarten when suddenly someone pushed her and she couldn't swim cuz she was too little and she was almost drowning until someone luckily came and saved her life....


I almost started to cry Until Someone pushed me and slipped and feel into the pool....My trauma happened again....And I was screaming for but everyone thought I wanted Attention (stan New jeans bish) ......Until Hannie noticed and ran to the pool but she couldn't do anything cuz she doesn't know how to swim either...


I pushed Eunchae into the pool and started to laugh at her and everyone was shoked but didn't gave a F to her .... That's what you deserve....Her 'bestfriend' Hanni came but she can't swim lol I started laughing more but my friends seemed worried as looked at them....they both were telling me to look at the pool and as I looked at the pool my eye widened....Eunchae was drowning....I immediately rushed to the pool and jumped into the pool....I grabbed Eunchae and took her out of the pool and layed her at the floor...."Eunchae, Eunchae wake up I know you want attention but wake up!!" I kept shouting as everyone was looking at me disappointed and for the first time I felt ...... Guilty for something

I immediately rushed to the medical room and the nurse told me to wait....as I was sitting and waiting someone approached me but I didn't bother to look up cuz I was not able to face someone right now as I was crying (A/n: What the heck did I wrote?😶) Until That person said "Niki" I looked up and ... SMACK.... Yes someone slapped me for the first time and it was a girl "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT NISHIMURA YOU WENT TOO FAR, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU FOR DOING THIS TO MY BEST FRIEND" Hannie yelled, I just went silent and listened to her and just let her slap me or beat me as I couldn't do anything....I literally almost killed a person with my own fucking hand Now I understand why people hate me... It's because of this.. 'You were a bully, You are a bully, and will be a bully' that's what everyone said to me as I did one thing many years ago....


I was walking in my kindergarten until I saw a girl playing near a pool and noticed that she looked so cute but I thought of something mischievous and thought of pushing her into the pool .....I slowly went to her and pushed her....and she fell into the pool...I was laughing and all until I noticed that she didn't got out of the pool, I looked at the pool and noticed that she was still in there and screaming for help...I Started to worry and called someone and luckily that person saved but I ran away.....


I was lost until the nurse told us to come in...."She is totally but kind of weak so I think she can come but can't do too much labor" the nurse said "thankyou so much Nurse" I said...."Manchae are u ok my baby??" Hanni asked while hugging her lightly.. "yeah Hanni" Eunchae said weakly..."What are you doing here?" Eunchae asked while looking at me and I just said sorry and left quickly...

(A/n: this chapter was quite long and I made it at midnight is impressive)

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