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" Eunchae"

"Yeah?" I looked at him to only see him looking back at me....I was waiting for him to say something but he never did..... We both were staring at each other until he pulled me to an empty room and locked the door..... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! WHY DID HE LOCKED THE DOOR??!!!! IS HE GONNA DO SOMETHING??!?! NO NO MANCHAE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??!?! WHY ARE THINKING LIKE THAT BITCH STOP-....... I was in my thoughts until Niki came up to me and placed him hands on my shoulder which made me look at him surprised...... Is he gonna kiss me?

" Niki why did u kissed me earlier?" Gathering up the energy to ask him this, I finally asked him this.... " Silly, it's because I like you.." He mumbled but I couldn't hear it ofc..... "What?" I asked as he shook his head and putted his hand in his pockets.... After some time, he finally chose to speak...

" The thing is, I just kissed u for teasing you and also I know u enjoyed it tho" He said winking at me before he walked out of the door.... I feel like he is lying but who cares.... This happened and I can't change it, oh well.....

But.... Did I enjoyed the kiss?... I mean I was red ofc and I also felt butterflies dancing in my stomach.... It was a very different feeling.... That I felt for the first time ......

I decided to ignore it and went outside to see all of them taking to eachother.... Honestly I am kinda bored right now so I'll just ask them to play a game again .....

" Guys I am getting bored let's play something again please" Beomgyu oppa's girlfriend said as they all agreed ... Well thank God that she said that or else I would have to request them......

" Let's continue truth and dare?" She said as they all agreed except me... I didn't said anything and just sat there, waiting for the game to start again......." Guys, let's add some spice to the game.. So if a person is not able to complete a dare or truth they will drink alcohol... How's the idea?" Kkura unnie said as I looked at them shocked.... They are agreeing with her.... " Ok but we will not drink since we are both minors" Hyein said pointing at her and Haerin.... They all nodded and Taehyun and Kkura unnie went to grab alcohol....

I am so nervous... I never drank alcohol in my whole life so this is gonna be weird but I will definitely not drink cause oppa will beat the shit out of these people and disown me so I will just play.....

(A/n: fyi, I know they are 17 and 18 but in Korean age they are 19 and 20 so hehe they are allowed to drink lol)

Kkura Unnie spinned the bottle and it landed on..... SOOBIN oppa... Oh well let's see what he will do...

"So SOOBIN... Truth or dare?" "Dare" ohhh such a dare devil let's go..... "I dare you to sit on Lia's lap!!" She said as everyone bursted out laughing and SOOBIN was super red as he looked at the girl and ig she is Lia....

"Do it or alcohol is waiting Mr.Choi" she said as Soobin just quietly went to Lia and sat on her lap..... Poor girl, this giant will break her bones now.. rip Lia....

" Let's continue!" Chaewon Unnie said as she spinned the bottle..... It landed on her boyfriend... Jay, well lucky ig.... " Truth or dare baby?" She asked doing aegyo.... Honestly why are girls like this with their boyfriends like why?....

" Dare" he said as she smirked.... I know something dirty is going on in her mind...... " I dare you to come with me to the washroom" she said as everyone started cheering and teasing Jay as Chaewon got up and Jay oppa followed her... Ew

(I just want to skip this game cuz it's getting boring istg.... SO TIME SKIPPED)

It was already 5 PM and it was time to go home... Finally, I will go home and rest well... " EUNCHAE!!" Someone screamed as I looked back and it was..... Niki and Jungwon both running to me ....... I smiled at Jungwon and they both reached to me and they glared at eachother.... Wtf is happening??

" Can I get your number?" Both said in unison.... Huh? Why????... Why do they want my number huh?!?? I will definitely not give my number to Niki... Like a big no no ......

" Let me get the number Go away Jungwon!!" "No what's wrong with you!?!? You are her enemy not her friend right?" He said as Niki backed away ..... I kinda feel bad tho... I will just give my number to both of them ..... Ig there is nothing wrong in exchanging numbers with my enemy and his bestfriend... Right??

" Guys don't fight, I will just exchange numbers with both ok?" "Yeah!" "No!" The yeah was said by Jungwon and the no by Niki.... What is wrong with this guy?!?!? ..... I wanna be friends with Jungwon and he isn't even letting us talk properly without third wheeling in the conversation....

" You both!! Take my number or I am going!!" I said as they both rushed to get my number.... After giving them my number, I was about to walk when... " Let me drop you Eunchae no need to walk" Hee oppa said leaning on his car and smiling at me as I smiled back..... " No oppa it's ok I can walk" I said smiling, " It's ok btw ur home comes in the way of my home" He said as I nodded and quietly went inside his car....

I saw Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki also entering the car......Not again, I thought as they both looked at me and smiled.... Honestly, I am just wondering why is Niki acting like that, is he jealous of Jungwon being close with me??.... Definitely not, why am I thinking like that....... After some time, we reached my home as I got out of the car .......

"Thank you so much oppa!! I will make sure to give u something as a thank you" I said as he smiled, "All I need is a warm hug from my little sister" He said smiling as I shyly went to him and hugged him..... " Do u have a Lil sister" I asked, "No, this is why I love u like a Lil sister of mine" Hee oppa said pinching my cheeks....

Honestly I am shocked, well it's not like Joshu oppa doesn't love me.... he does but, seeing a stranger becoming my big bro is really, different..... Well, I just shrugged it and went inside and oh! I also gave Heeseung oppa my number in the ride ..... I am so happy today, all thanks to oppa and Kkura Unnie.......

I went inside waving at them.... Hee oppa drove away, I sighed and went inside the house, I went inside quietly but was shocked to see a masculine figure, folding his arms and looking at me..... I realised it was Joshu oppa,


I just gave an awkward smile at him and was about to run until.... " Young lady, where were you?" He spoke in English and I know I fucked up.... In our house, if someone speaks in English, it means that he/she is mad..... I just stood there, he asked again.." Answer me where were you?!" He was ready to scold me...."I-I was a-at Sakura Unnie's h-house" I said as his eyes softened.... PHEWWWW....

" You could have told me.. I was scared you know?" He said as I quickly went to him and hugged him, I looked at him as he was smiling at me..... He pecked my forehead before asking, " Who was that guy who dropped you here? Don't tell me he is your boyfrie-" " EW OPPA ARE U NUTS HE IS LIKE MY BROTHER AND HE IS SAKURA'S UNNIES BOYFRIEND!!" I said disgusted...

" Ok ok sorry!" He said as I just smiled and hugged him... It's been a while since we both talked like that and I know he missed that too..... Even tho we are siblings, he treats me like his little daughter and adores me so much.... I just love him

After this, I went to change my clothes and we both sat on the couch to watch a movie.... It's been months since I sat down and watched Movies with oppa so I am so happy today ....... Best day ever...


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