NIGHT - 29

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Author's pov:

As Mr.Kim ended his speech, the students were guided to the actual camping spot which was near the forest and a small river. 8 camp spots were set on different areas, Eunchae's camp spots being closer to the river and forest. As they reached the spot, they noticed 5 giant wooden boxes lying on the ground. "These must be the necessities!" Jungwon said, "Right!" Eunchae said. The students were still standing in a queue gazing over the boxes confused, Ms.Lee along with Eunchae and Jungwon slowly approached the boxes. "Everyone listen! These are the necessities for our trip. Please use these things wisely and in a limit, you can be given another one if the necessity fails to work or malfunctions. We should divide some groups and search for things to light a fire!" Ms.Lee said as we agreed. "Niki, Jungwon and I will go together miss!" Sunoo said as they went off to get some woods, some students went towards the river to catch fishes as they brought fishing rods and suits for it. Eunchae and the others helped Ms.Lee in opening the boxes, they finally managed to open the boxes which revealed some camping tents along with lamps and lighters, etc. some students started to assemble the camping nets and others decided to explore the forest making sure they had flashlights. Eunchae and some other students helped Ms.Lee in preparing the cooking station and the bonfire spot, placing coal around the area. After 10 minutes, Sunoo, Niki and Jungwon returned and hands occupied with woods, they gave it Ms.Lee and decided to rest for a while. Eunchae and Hanni placed the woods in the fire pit as they noticed Kazuha and some students preparing tons of s'mores for everyone, they excitedly went to over to them finishing their tasks. "Have you received the missions yet Ms.Lee?" Hanni asked her as she nodded her head and pulled out a sheet of paper, "Here! These are the missions for day 1, for day 2, these for day 3 and day 4!" Ms.Lee. "So we have a mission for tonight too?" Eunchae asks as Ms.Lee slowly nods

The students who went for fishing slowly came back after 20 minutes with a bucket in their hands. "Guys! I caught 4 fishes!" A guy says excitedly, they continued to tell the other students about the fishes and the river as they listened to them carefully. The students who were preparing the s'mores finally finished, "Guys! S'mores are ready" they yelled as everyone crowded around them. Eunchae and Jungwon handled out 1 s'more to each student and had one for themselves too, they say down on the logs covering the bonfire, they noticed that it was slowly getting dark. "We should sing some songs!" Ms.Lee said cheerfully as everyone immediately agreed, thinking of some songs to sing. "I should sing fighting by BSS!" Eunchae says excitedly, everyone looked at her and nodded their head getting ready for her to sing. She grabbed a karaoke mic that Hanni bought and started to sing it cheerfully and encouraging everyone to join her. They sang along with her and got up suddenly to do the dance as the chorus came up, Eunchae sang the song loudly watching everyone do the fighting gesture dancing to the song. They danced to more songs with Sunoo's speaker until it got completely dark, it was just 7:57 PM though, The staff members of Kim farmlands slowly brought the food for their meal. They brought it in two large trays of food as they had to serve over 30 students, "There are ton of side dishes such as Kimchi, bean sprout salad and Acorn jelly. The main course is Japchae and Galbi with rice. And at last, yakult! Please enjoy urself" the staff said as everyone cheered loudly, the food looks delicious

"We catched some fishes! Can you guys cook them for us tomorrow?" The guys who catched the fishes requested them as they agreed picking up the buckets full of fishes. The staffs displayed the food infront of the students like a buffet and served them, the students slowly sat on the wooden benches eating their meal. Everyone finished their food slowly in 30 minutes, giving back the dishes and going into their tents to change their clothes into something comfortable for the mission. "Everyone! We have just one mission for tonight that we must complete. The mission is :- Go across the river to the other side and find a box with a blue tick mark on it, carry it on with you. This seems like an interesting mission children! Now, I want Eunchae and Jungwon to follow their responsibilities and take care of the children. I can't come with you guys since that's not allowed, there is a guide coming with you all" Ms.Lee states as the students listened to her carefully, Jungwon and Eunchae standing closer to Ms.Lee. The guide slowly came towards us and greeted them, "Hello everyone! My name is Min Yeonji, I'm ur guide for this whole trip. I hope we get along" she said with a wide grin on her face, the students greeted her politely. "Now everyone! Please pack the belongings I tell you guys to. A water bottle, flashlight, ur phone, a pair of clothes and a medical kit for safety. We will meet eachother after 10 minutes!" everyone quickly went to their respective tents and came out after a few minutes with the necessities

Eunchae's pov:

Hanni, Niki, Jungwon, Sunoo, Heejin and I stood together in a friend group. Everyone has their necessities with them, me and Jungwon went towards the guide as we were the class presidents. We slowly made our way towards the forest with the help of our guide, "Children! From here, we have to divide a group of six. So please select your partners" The guide told us. Me and the others already chose eachother since we were already six, it kinda turned into a gossip session as everyone was busy making their team. After five more minutes, everyone were divided into groups of six as there were now 10 groups including us. "Alright! Everyone, please select a captain for your group. Also, remember that they are going to be the captain for every mission then!" Guide exclaimed as everyone started to discuss. "Niki you should be the captain!" Hanni said as everyone agrees while Sunoo disagrees, "No way! He himself is going to get lost and then I can't even imagine what will happen to us!" Sunoo said shivering dramatically. We all rolled our eyes, "Oh please bro, I'm not going to get lost and put u guys in trouble. Have some faith in me guys!" Niki said, we agreed on him becoming the captain and went towards our guide. Everyone decided their captain and were ready to go, "Children! First, we have to go find the shore of this river and cross it by a bridge which is quite far away from us. Then, we have to walk through a forest and find the box. If you think thats difficult, then you can walk 4 miles on the Ricky area over there and reach the location of the box directly! It's upon to ur team now" Miss Yeonji said as we nodded. "now! The captains of the groups, please take care of everyone and make sure that noone seperates please. You guys can divide now, the box is really important for the next mission so please come back with it. And remember, this is not a competition! It's just a mission for u guys"

"I hope this night goes well..."
I sighed heavily before walking into the forest

YOO GUYS I'M BECK HERE! Sorry for a little late update I was obsessed with C ai hehehe
The next chapter is gonna be boring I think cause I really don't have any ideas but there is something in my mind,
Should we make them play the Mafia game next night? 👁️👄👁️

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