SUNOO - 11

517 23 33


My alarm rang..... Ugh! Not again.... I smashed it and threw it (Not really).... Well all thanks to this alarm clock I'm always awake on time.... I got up and streched a little and headed towards the mirror to take a look at myself

I look puffy... I need to bath right now!! I quickly went inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I hummed some songs while brushing since I'm bored.....

After brushing, I headed towards my wardrobe to look for my uniform... Ha! Found it... I quickly took it and placed it on my bed along with my every day assessorries.....

I went inside the bathroom with my towel and removed my clothes... I started the shower and as usual I sang some songs and vibed.... I almost slipped while dancing lol


I went downstairs to see the empty hall..... Where is Joshu oppa? I started searching for him until I found a note...

" Hey Eunchae!! Sorry but I had to go to my office early today for some important meeting, make sure to eat the breakfast I made and Niki will pick you up so be ready... Bye love you and take care!! <3
~ Your Joshu oppa"


Ok everything's good but why Niki? I can just call Hee oppa but no! It's Niki!! As always I'm stuck with him.... Wait-

Why did oppa told me to go with Niki? They are friends? Does he know him? I mean he does but- What?

I decided to shrug these thoughts away and went to the kitchen to see what oppa left for me to eat...

It was Waffles with Chocolate milk... My favourite milk!! Oppa knows me so much.... Let's start eating now

I started munching on the pancakes and drank the milk together which made me choke... I immediately started searching for water and drank it as fast as I can...I almost died right now

*Ding dong*


I opened the door to be greeted by Niki and his creepy smirk..... I FR hate that smirk of him.... I decided to keep my cool

" Why are you here so early huh?" "To see you" He said winking at me.... I made a cringed face, " Aren't you gonna let me in?" He asked as I shooked my head....

Why would I let this man in my house?... He just smirked at me, honestly that didn't bothered but the next move definitely did....

He suddenly picked me up and took me inside my house like I'm his luggage.... I tried to push him and cursed at him but this man didn't even listened to me....

He placed me down at the sofa as I threw a fist at his rock hard chest... He is working out? Good for him.... I looked at my waffles and got up from the sofa and went to my dining table

I started eating my waffles again and acted like Niki didn't even existed... I was eyeing him and checking out every move he made, honestly nothing too bothering...

I finally finished my waffles and looked at him to see him swinging his backpack around like a little kid... I sighed, he is a kid....

" Do you wanna eat something?" "No my appetite and mood is happy seeing you" He said as I looked down to hide my pink face.... How did he managed to make me blush with this?

" I'm serious Niki" "No I'm full I just ate breakfast" He said as I just nodded and placed my dirty dish at the dishwasher and washed my hands

I can see Niki getting impatient and I looked at the time....

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