TRUTH - 19

273 10 4

Eunchae's pov:

I woke up like usual with the annoying ass alarm right next to my bed, I turned it off and got up ...

I got ready like in an hour or maybe a half and went downstairs for breakfast to see Joshua oppa cooking ...

I hugged from behind as he responded to my hug by petting my head, I sat on the dining table waiting for my breakfast ...

It was just the usual Ham sandwich with my banana milk on the side, and I took my fruit box which I just eat in my way to school ...

After finishing my breakfast, I took my bag and went out with Joshua oppa to the car, the whole ride we just talked about our love life ...

(A/n: kinda cringe-
*Get's slapped* )

We reached the school as I got out of the car giving him a peck on the cheek, I walked down the hallway looking for Hanni and the others ...

I finally saw them and ran to them before hugging each of them, we just talked and discussed about the dance competition ...

"I got all my clothes and accessories ready, what about u guys?" Sakura unnie asks as she scrolls on her phone, "I got everything done and Niki and I decided to a w&b theme" I said as they all smiled and teased me ...

Almost all of them said that they are done except Chaewon and Minji unnie as they were just too 'busy' ...

Yunjin unnie offered them to go with her for shopping which they happily agreed to, I looked at the time and there were just 6 minutes when class was about to start ...

We all sat down as Ms. Lee came in, and oh god it was extra boring today today. Well probably because I wanted to go over at Niki's to just practice ...

(Time skipped)

Finally it was lunch, I got up tiredly as me, kazuha and hanni went to the cafeteria, we saw everyone as well as three seats unoccupied for us ...

We sat down as Yunjin and Minji unnie got up to get breakfast for everyone, then I noticed something ...

Hanni was staring at someone, it was Sunoo. She realised that someone's staring at her and looked at me to make an eye contact with me ...

I smirked at her and gave her the 'u like him don't you?' look as she started to blush and looked away, ok so Hanni has a crush now ...

We are our lunch as I kept noticing that Hanni was glancing at Sunoo over and over again, I will tease her after lunch ...

As soon as we finished lunch, I walked over to her and started teasing her and this bitch is hitting me and telling me to stop ...

Suddenly, I saw Leeseo walk over to Niki and started flirting with him, this fucking bitch ...

"Oppa please participate in the dance competition with me" she said as she gave him her puppy look which is just so ugly ...

(No hate to Leeseo I love her but just imagine that she is evil 😭)

All the guys looked at her disgusted as Niki yanked her arm off him, "BITCH NO! I ALREADY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND JUST STAY AWAY" He yelled ...

I'm really proud of him, "Oh really? Well she won't be for long when she will know the truth about us" that's when I looked up, I didn't even realise that I was looking down the whole time ...

I looked over at Niki to talk with him through eyes, it looks like he wants to talk after school. Well we are going to his house anyways ...

But what does she means by 'the truth' oh God the curiosity is killing me right now, I want to just know already ...

I just stayed quiet the whole time while the others were asking me if I was okay, I obviously replied with a 'yes' ...

I am not okay

After lunch, the whole I was just zoning out and not really focusing on the class, I know that Niki is not cheating on me, ig ...

Oh my God! I shouldn't think like this, FUCK my brain is so stupid to even think about that we are literally going to get married ...

Only positive thoughts Eunchae, only positive thoughts! The weather is really nice today, it's not even that cold rn ...


"Hong Eunchae?"
"Excuse me Hong Eunchae??" This was the 3rd time Mr. Choi Seungcheol called me as I was really busy with my thoughts ...

"MS. HONG EUNCHAE !" That's when I snapped back to reality, Mr. Choi glared at me as I just gave him an awkward smile, this is fucking embarrassing ...

I stood up looking down cause everyone was laughing at me, "Mind telling us what you were thinking about?"

"No thank you sir I don't want you guys to know"

"Wait is it a personal thing?"
"Yes sir" I said looking down and trying to act sad, lemme tell you that I'm in fact not sad it's just that I am 'curious' ...

"Oh ok I'm really sorry to hear that you may sit down"
"Thank you sir" I sat down as I glanced a look at Niki to see his worried face ...

I focused on what Mr.Choi was teaching this time, I was just very bored ...


I started to look for Niki until I was pulled into someone's arms, and it was Leeseo ...

"What the fuck bitch let me go!" She just dragged me with her to a small room ...

Leeseo pov:

Ok now I just have to convince her and this bitch will be out of my way, I will have Niki to myself ...

"I will tell you the truth about us okay? Because I don't want you to date that asshole"
"What do you mean??"

"Ok so what happened was me and Niki actually were best friends and more of like a couple, we liked eachother but one day, everything turned into a nightmare ...

We both went to a club secretly and got drunk, I then noticed Niki was coming closer to my face as he started to kiss me hungrily, I tried to free myself but he pulled me into a room and he-"

I broke into tears to trick her into thinking that I am actually not faking it, I'm such a good actress ...

"He- I can't even tell what happened that day oh my god, when he woke up the next morning he thought that I did this to him and he slapped me and ran away ...

Then I thought that he was just angry with me and thought that I will explain everything to him later, but no he rejected my love and acted like the victim while I cried every single night ...

And then you came into our lives, and my problems got bigger because of you, I just want Niki to love me but he loves you " ...

I finally looked at her as I was looking down the whole time, no expression??? Hello was this bitch even hearing me??? ...

Eunchae pov:


I felt like my body just left my soul, is- is this even true and how can someone even do that ? ...

I just don't know what to do anymore, my body is just not listening to me as it just slowly hugged Leeseo and started rubbing her back ...

Why am I doing this??! No I don't wanna fucking believe her ...

Why is my brain not listening to me now, this is most definitely not true, Thai CAN'T be true ...

I was even struggling to get up after hearing this news but when I finally came back to my senses, I ran ...

I ran as fast as I could and took a bus, I hid my face as I was shaking  horribly ...

I soon as I reached home, I locked myself and switched off my phone ...

This world is too cruel ...

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