BOX - 30

152 13 6

Eunchae's pov:

As the teams were split up, our team decided to go and cross the bridge. After 10 minutes, we reached the shore and noticed an rusty, old iron bridge connecting the forest with the shore. We decided to sit for a while, the forest across the shore was quite dangerous and dark as Miss Yeonji told us. "Everyone! Please take out ur flashlights" Niki said as we took out our flashlights, "Let's tie a rope so we don't get seperated" Sunoo suggested. He is really a scaredy fox, Jungwon took out a 20 metre rope and tied everyone's waist with it. "everyone! Please secure the rope" Jungwon said tightening the knot on his waist, the others did the same. They slowly walked to the iron bridge, it looked really old despite being made just 20 years before. They walked slowly as Heejin noticed the bridge moving a little, they tried to apply less pressure on their steps and continued crossing the bridge carefully. All if them sighed and celebrated in relief when they crossed the bridge, "That was so scary!" Hanni exclaimed laughing. We continued to move to the forest slowly, holding onto our ropes and our flashlights tightly. "This is so scary!" Sunoo exclaims slowing his speed down, "Oh come on Sunoo! Don't back off now" Niki yelled at him stopping. "But-", "No buts or anything! We're making this" Niki said as we nodded, continuing our walk. There was a little pathway between the dense forest, we decided to follow the pathway. Suddenly, there was a loud thunder frightening everyone, "Is it about to rain?!" I yelled looking at the sky, there were barely any clouds though. "Wait? What?!" Hanni panicked, "Our tents and everything will be ruined if it rains" Jungwon yelled, holding onto his rope tighter. The others prayer silently, hoping for it not to rain this night. "We shouldn't stop guys! Let's continue" Heejin suggests as we nodded, walking along the pathway. It was quite a long and dark pathway, and the loud thunder and lightening made it seem more spooky. We trembled walking carefully, in hopes that it won't rain tonight or any day

Author's pov:

They finally reached the end of the pathway, it was divided into two ways now. The left one leading to a plains area with trees, the right one leading to rocky areas. Heejin noticed a vast wooden board sign, she walked towards it slowly. The others frowned when they saw the board and Heejin walking towards it, "What is this?" Hanni asks. "There is something written on it I think" Heejin slowly wiped the dust off, "It's a clue!" She suddenly claims turning around. Niki's frowned deeply, "A clue? For what?" He said walking towards the board sign, holding Eunchae's hand. "It must be a clue for us to choose the next pathway" Jungwon says, everyone nodded at his statement. Heejin read the clue slowly, "The harder the struggle is, the better the result is?" Everyone frowned, "What even is this??" Sunoo yells. "Wait, they're saying the harder the struggle is, which means that we have to pave the harder way to find the box. Which means, we should take the right way!" Eunchae suddenly exclaims, "I get it! The left side is all plains area, and the right side is a rocky area. We should go to the right one then" Hanni says. Everyone quickly follow the right area confidently, they noticed a river again. "Ugh not again! Do we have to cross this too?" Niki groans in annoyance, "I really want to see the box now!!" Hanni yells, frustrated. They didn't noticed that the box was not far away from them, sitting at the shore until Eunchae noticed. "Guys!! The box is right there!" Eunchae pointed at the giant blue box, the others' eyes widened. "Oh my God we found it!" Jungwon yelled as everyone walked towards the box, "We should inform others" Heejin pulled out her phone, calling one of her classmates. The others looked at the clean and giant wooden blue box, smiling a little. "We cleared our first mission guys!" Hanni says as everyone celebrated, they were quite happy to find it really easily. After some minutes, a team if six walked towards them smiling, "Oh my God you guys really found it?!" One of students exclaimed chuckling. Min Yeonji came with the other students as well, smiling at the students hovering over the box. "Now, I would like to thank Niki and his team for finding this box as early as possible!" Everyone applauded for them, cheering for them. "Let's open the box kids!" Yeonji went towards the box and opened it with the help of Niki, Jungwon and Sunoo. There were some thick and 100 metre ropes as well as body suits for trecking and other things, the students grimaced upon seeing this

"What even is this?" One of the students asks, frowning. Miss Yeonji chuckled before turning towards the other students, "These are the necessities for the second mission, which is really important. We have to climb a hill for the next mission" everyone's eyes widened upon hearing this. "We have to climb a freaking hill?!" Hanni yells dropping down on the floor, the students groaned. "Now everyone! Please carry these things with you and let's get back to the camping area!" As Miss Yeonji ordered everyone, they slowly made a queue again and went back to the camping area along with their team leaders. They all carried their respective things for the next mission, walking back to the camping area. After 30 minutes, everyone reached the camping spot and settled down in their respective tents. Eunchae, Hanni, Heejin, Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki shared a tent together as the tent was vast enough to fit even 7 people. It was currently 11:34 PM, everyone decided to sleep to get ready for their mission tomorrow. Meanwhile, Eunchae was deep in thoughts and thinking about her mom and dad. It had been a long time since she met them and had her first argument with them, she blamed herself for all this. For bursting out infront of her principal and her parents, she hated herself for this. Tears escaped her eyes without her acknowledgement, she quickly wiped the tears away and sat up slowly. She grabbed the flashlight next to her and exited the tent, she decided to go and get some fresh air sitting by the river. She walked towards the river, noticing some giant rocks at the shore. She sat on one of them, looking at the moving water that reflected the moon light, it was really beautiful. She hummed a song quietly, thinking about her family while kicking some pebbles at the shore. It was a really beautiful place, she could see the stars and Moon properly, unlike the city lights and pollution covering them. She sighed heavily, breathing the fresh air, it is truly a magical place. "what are u doing here Manchae?" She turned around at the sudden call of her name

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