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Eunchae's pov:

We finally went back to the backstage after giving off our speeches, I also saw Sana unnie smiling at me in the audience. I smiled back at her and waved at her a little, she giggled at me. I will surely meet her after this competition, Joshua oppa is really a bastard for keeping her away from for over an year. (A/n: Sorry Joshua 💀) Anyways, Sakura and Heeseung were called on the stage for their performance as we all wished them good luck as they went off to the stage. Me and Niki were watching their performance seriously, we were quite surprised to see them actually dancing that well. We all thought that they were not interested in dancing that much. Their chemistry is really something else, I really enjoyed watching them dance. As soon as they finished, everyone applauded for them as the judges wrote down their reviews, FYI we could literally see everything from the backstage. Next pair was Chaewon and Jay as we cheered for them and they went off. Just by the way Chaewon unnie was dancing just gave me energy and a boost of confidence, she is really good at dancing I must say. I never have noticed that Jay oppa was this serious about dance. Fuck, now I'm nervous for my performance. They finished quickly as a wave of applause was heard

Next in the line were Jake and Kazuha. I just knew they were gonna serve, and they just did what they had to. The way they knew they are good and showed off really blew it off for me. I was getting more and more nervous each passing performance now. All of us cheered for them when they finished, judges had pleasant expression on their face as they wrote the reviews. Sunghoon and Wonyoung went on to the stage as they were next. I was shocked at their performance, they were the only couple who were performing such a simple dance while the others were working their heart away, but the most shocking thing was that they had the best performance out of all. They didn't care about the dance and focused on their energy and expressions, everyone was vibing to them and even the judges. The others would've been wrong of they said that they are not jealous, everyone still tried to remain calm and unfazed. Their chemistry is just out of this world, they are definitely going to win. As soon as they finished, A loud wave of applause was heard. Everyone just chanting their names and judges smiling, this is what I want after my performance and I will do anything to get these reactions from people. I held Niki's firmly as he looked at me

I also looked at him, "Don't worry Eunchae, we can definitely win if we try right?" He said as I smiled and nodded. I would've been lying if I said that I was fine right now, I am just not fine. Hanni and Sunoo were next as they went away from us, but before that I managed to say something to Hanni. "Have fun with ur boyfriend bitch" She looked at me and ran away blushing as I just stood their smirking, I know they are not in relationship right now. But we can make that work right? Anyways, they started to perform as I cheered for her while Niki was smiling at his bestfriend. They were really good, but they could've been better. But still, what can you except from people who are not passionate of dancing? Anyways, the next couple were announced as soon as their performance ended. It was Jungwon and Heejin, I smiled at them both as Jungwon looked before making a fighting gesture as I did the same while chuckling. Honestly, i didn't know that Heejin was a good dancer, I was shocked when I saw her practice in the room before the performance. Jungwon and her chemistry is really good, they are definitely gonna be audience's favourite after Sunghoon and Wonyoung ofcourse. As soon as their performance ended, everyone cheered them up and clapped for them as they bowed and left. It is finally our turn, the time that we had been waiting for. I was so nervous as I held the hem of Niki's shirt, he noticed me and engulfed me into a hug. I hugged him back but parted away when our names were announced I waved at him as he went into the stage, it was his performance first then mine

I smiling the whole time as he performed, it really different. Different from how he practiced, the way he moved his body, the expressions he made which matched with the song well. It was really surprising, I wish that I could be as talented as him in dancing, I am so envious rn. I can sense all the girls practically drooling over my boyfriend while he performing, I was getting really impatient and nervous now. Soon, his performance ended as I ran towards the stage stairs and walked elegantly with a smiled plastered on my face. 'Don't ruin it' was all I kept repeating in my head as walked and set my position, my song 'positions started to play. I was dancing and giving expressions at the same time, it was quite hard to do both at the same time as well as stage presence. Now I know why Joshua said it's hard to become an Idol, dang they even song while performing. As soon my song finished, everyone applauded for me and I set my position again but this time with Niki.
Our song, 'Die for you' started to play as we danced to it, I could feel Joshua oppa sending daggers though his eyes at Niki whenever he got close to me. This performance was turning way better than I thought it would be, and I'm proud at both of us for it. After some time, our performance ended as some fangirls cheered for Niki and some fanboys cheered for me calling me by various cute nicknames. I smiled at them and then at Joshua oppa, it was really weird dancing with a guy infront of my brother though

As we were the last performance, everyone was told to get a break for about 15 minutes. All of us cheered for eachother and complemented eachother, "Y'all, I just know Sunghoon and Wonyoung are gonna win" Yunjin unnie said as everyone agreed. Sunghoon and Wonyoung ere denying at all costs but come on, they knew they were the best. We just drank some water and talked for a while until a staff told us that want all of us to come on stage. We quickly rushed over to the stage and went up, soon Mr.Choi came on the stage. "Alright everybody!! It's finally the time to announce the results, but first please clap for all the participants who participated in this competition!!. It was also such an honour to have the judges here too, Let's hear something about the results from them" Mr.Choi said as he gave the mic to Joshua oppa directly. Well I'm not complaining because they are bestfriends but it's still weird to suddenly hand it a person like that. "Uh yes! First of all, All the performances were really good and fantastic. I just loved the passion and basically everything, so keep it up guys! Also, there are going to be top 3 couples who did the best so let's hear their names from the other judges" Oppa said before handing over the mic to the other judge sitting next to him

"Let's just be straightforward and announce the Top third couple. Everyone, please congratulate Kazuha and Jake!!" The judge said as a wave applause was heard, we all clapped for the pair as they appeared to be shock because of what just happened. They immediately bowed down to judges and everyone before taking the trophy which was kept on the table next to judges. The judge passed the mic to older looking man as he took it, "Now for the top Second best couple, congratulations Eunchae and Niki!" He said I flinched and Niki's eyes bawled out. Did we really just won the second place? I mean our performance wasn't even that great as others. We both smiled at eachother and bowed to everyone before reaching out for trophy given to us by Mr.Nishimura. He patted Niki's back as Niki just smiled at him and fist bumped him, oh to have a relationship with my father like his. The third judge passed on the mic to fourth judge who was looking quite young (A/n: PASS THE MIC! PASS THE MIC! YOU STAY STILL? U STAY! U STAY?!") "So the best and most beautiful couple of this competition. The first position goes to, Sunghoon and Wonyoung!! Please congratulate them" All of us tried to act happy and supporting, but deep down it hurted everyone. They knew that what they lacked was energy and stage presence, not moves. The couple and bowed at everyone and took the trophy from Mr.Nishimura, the audience was cheering loudly for them. The really deserved it

The mic was passed onto the last judge to complement and encourage everyone as if it already wasn't enough. "I know that life can be hard sometimes in situations like this. I saw the expressions on your faces when the winner was announced, you wanted to be in their place right? You can do it!" And his speech went on for God knows how long, we eventually got tired of him and started to laugh as the audience left and the judges were on their phone the whole time. Finally his speech ended, but everyone already left except for Sana unnie. I immediately went down and hugged her, "Sister-in-law!!!" I said giggling. "Oh my God Eunchae don't call me that" though she always says that, I know that she deep down loves it. "Btw congratulations for winning second place Manchae!" She screeched excitedly as I chuckled at her, she really is the best like a mom. Soon, Joshua oppa came in between to disturb our chatting and spoke up, "Hey babe" he said before kissing her. "Eww" I said while closing my eyes, "HEY YOU WERE LITERALLY TOUCHING NIKI INFRONT OF ME AND I HAD WATCH THAT RN!!" He said as I Looked at him, how can he even say that. "Who chose the choreography to be like this", "Niki obviously". "Istg, I'm gonna kill that man someday or soon" Joshua oppa said as he rolled his eyes. I looked at him with sharpened eyes, "Lay your hand on him and you will have to pay" I said as he looked at him. "Dang, you're really getting crazy in love kid" Sana unnie said laughing, "Btw how about we go on a date today babe?" Joshua oppa looking at unnie as she nodded happily. Suddenly, I had a mischievous idea in my head, they rarely go on dates so I have ruin even this date. "Can I please come?" I said with puppy eyes, "No" was the only reply from Joshua oppa. But Sana unnie seemed to really like the idea so she pleaded to him, and Joshua oppa immediately agreed. Now who's the on crazy in love??

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