RIVER - 31

167 10 3

Author's pov:

Eunchae looked back to where the sound came from, noticing Niki slowly approaching her with a sheepish smile on his face. "You should head back, you're still sleepy" Eunchae said with a smile, "I am, but what are you doing here?" Niki took a seat next to her, sitting on the same rock. Eunchae looked back at the river, "Nothing, I just couldn't sleep" she chuckled lowly, Niki looked at her with a concerned expression, he noticed her weary expression. "Is something wrong?" He asked her scooting a little closer to caress her shoulder gently. Eunchae looks at him and smiles a little, "Yeah, I'm fine" her voice was barely above a whisper, Niki know that something was definitely wrong. "You're not fine right?" He whispered back, Eunchae looked at him with widened eyes, her eyes were glistering with tears that she didn't even noticed. Niki slowly engulfed her in a gentle yet tight embrace, his touch firm yet welcoming. Eunchae couldn't handle it anymore, she broke down in tears and wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face onto his chest. "Would you like opening up?" Niki asked with a smile, his voice being the most gentle voice ever as Eunchae slowly nodded. "I miss my parents so much" she said in between sniffs and sobs as Niki nodded. "Really?" Niki smiled a little when Eunchae snuggled her face into Niki's chest, probably feeling embarrassed due to the sudden breakdown infront of him. He slowly caressed her face with his large hands, cupping her cheeks gently with a comforting smile. "Hey, you can take it all out with me. I will not judge you, nor tease you" Eunchae immediately broke down at his words, it was hard for the poor girl. In her pre-teens and early teen years, she was always told to never cry and appear strong, it was like she forgot to express that emotion now

Eunchae told him everything, how her life has been since childhood and how much her parents loved and cherished her. The sudden departure from her parents leaving her broken, and yet the argument she had with her parents few months ago. Niki listened to her carefully, nodding slowly and analysing everything she was saying. "it's fine, everything's fine" Niki hugged Eunchae firmly, noticing how terrible her state was now. Her nose was runny and red, puffy eyes and her ears and cheeks heating up because of the breakdown. Niki whispered encouraging things to her, telling her that everything's just fine. After a while, Eunchae appeared to be calmer, her sobs turning into occasional sniffs. Her state was much better than before, Niki chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. Eunchae smiled a little, "How sweet of you" she said gently holding onto his shoulders. Niki smirked a little, "I can do much more than that~" He snuggled his face in the crook of her neck, chuckling. Eunchae snickered, playfully smacking him, "Oh come on!" She playfully whispered. Niki rubbed his nose on her neck gently, inhaling her sweet and light scent, Eunchae smiled softly. "Someone is feeling a little clingy today~" she teased, giggling. Niki didn't say anything, he closed his eyes and hummed a little before pulling his face away from her neck. He smirked at her a little, leaning towards her and closing the distance between them. He was so close to her that their bodies were practically pressing onto eachother. Eunchae smiled cheekily, "What? You want a kiss in the middle of the night?" She said with a playful smile, Niki's smirk widened. "Maybe~" he said, leaning even closer to her face, slowly pulling her body closer to his by tugging onto her

He slowly closed the little gap between them, colliding his lips with hers gently. Eunchae closed her eyes, her hand making it's way to his black and long hair, slowly caressing them gently. Niki deepened the kiss, his arms around her waist and pulling her closer, he loved how Eunchae was tucking onto his hair, her touch gentle and slow. Eunchae gasped a little as Niki pulled her closer, his tongue demanding for entrance. He took the gasp as an opportunity, swiftly sliding his tongue onto her, exploring her mouth. Eunchae tucked into his hair, slightly adding pressure which made Niki groan lowly, he loved it. Niki continued to explore her mouth, his hands slowly tracing circles on Eunchae's back. The kiss was getting really heated, the moonlight directly shining onto them making the scene look more erotic. Eunchae was shortly running out of breath now, she opened her eyes and looked at Niki. She gently tried to push him away, Niki noticed her state and immediately backed away. They both were panting and breathing heavily, Niki smirked and looked at her before wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Feeling better now?" Eunchae chuckled, still panting but not that much. She nodded with a giggle, Niki snickered and shook his head dramatically. He pulled her closer, making her lay her head on his shoulder, Eunchae closed her eyes slowly. Niki didn't notice her closing her eyes, he was too busy admiring the beautiful landscape infront of him. After few minutes, Eunchae fell asleep on his shoulder and snored softly and quietly. Niki noticed his shoulder getting heavier, he looked over at Eunchae to see her asleep on him. He chuckled softly, shaking his head, "Silly girl" he whispered and carried her slowly. His grip was firm yet gentle, not wanting to wake her up from her slumber as he walked back to the tent. He laid her down at her place, smiling softly at her sleeping state. He slowly crawled back to his sleeping place, laying down and humming a little. He had some random thoughts for a while, before his eyelids got heavy, he soon dozed off

It was currently 8:06 AM now, the students slowly woke up. They got out of their tents, inhaling some fresh air and stretching a little. Eunchae the others bidded greetings to eachother before slowly turning to look around the beautiful and peaceful view infront of them. A group of birds chirping sitting on the top of the rocks beside the river, the river shining because of the sun's rays. It was a pleasant morning for everyone, they slowly got freshen up. They took turns on bathing in the public bathroom made for the students specifically, it took quite a lot of time because of this. Everyone slowly got ready and some students sat down on the wooden benches slowly, chatting with eachother and laughing. Some students were still groggy and sleepy so they just sat in their tents, probably napping. Some students went towards the river to take some pictures of the beautiful and aesthetic view, Eunchae and everyone else being there. The staffs of Kim farmland slowly came towards their camping spot, holding onto the food trays. The students beamed and immediately hurried towards the staff, they must be starving. The students got their plates filled up one by one, other patiently waiting for their turn. After ten minutes, everyone was practically served food as they started to feast on their breakfast. The students chatted and bickered with eachother as they slowly ate their breakfast, some students already finished their breakfast. After ten more minutes, everyone finished their breakfast and put their plates back, sitting down satisfied and pleased. After a while, Miss Yeonji came towards them with a wide grin. "Greetings students! Are u guys excited for today's mission? We actually have two missions for today!" She chuckled as everyone cheered, trying to hide her own excitement. "Alright everyone! Please pack ur bag with the necessities likes last time" she said as the students got up, walking towards their tents to grab their bags

Hey guys!! Sorry for updating late because I got quite busy with homework hehe :>

Anyways enjoy this chapter 🧚🏻‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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