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I woke up by an alarm ringing that I want to smash out of the room..... I rubbed my eyes and got up and streched a little coz I still have 1 and a half hour to get ready so party time yay.... I wanted to dance but I couldn't coz I just woke up and I am tired as F..... I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, after brushing my teeth I went out of the bathroom and went straight to my wardrobe and took out my uniform and my accessories for my hair and body..... I took a towel and went inside the bathroom and turned on the shower (After removing my clothes ofc) and started to sing a song, Cupid...... "I GAVE A SECOND CHANCE TO CUPID!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I heard Joshu oppa screaming "YAH! YOU SCARED ME YOU KNOW?!" as I screamed back sorry to him and after some mins I got out with a towel wrapped around my body as I wore my clothes and then I dried my hair using a hair dryer obviously....... I then styled my hair and putted on some makeup not like those plastic bitches out there.......I finally got ready and looked at the time... I still have 30 minutes (a/n: she meant the time when the gate opens yk?🙃) Then I went downstairs to only see Joshu oppa cooking....

" Oppa I will cook today" I said smiling, "Oh really? You know to cook??" He asked me with shocked coz I never ever actually cooked for him and he doesn't even let me so I don't do it but today I wanted to try it, " Yeah please just sit here!" I said as I pushed him to the sit and took his apron and wore it and started to cook...... I was cooking Okkonomiyaki (Japanese egg pancake) and tbh it looked delicious and I also prepared some fresh juice squeezed by my own hands..... After decorating it I placed it in front of him and waited for his reaction..... I was getting nervous as he took a bite, stopped and looked at me, "Manchae, honestly....... IT IS SO GOOD!!" He said as I got excited and hugged him as I ate mine too and honestly it's so good even I didn't expected this from myself tbh..... After eating, I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and it did it's thing and after putting dishes on their places I went to grab my bag and Joshu oppa too as we both went outside...... We sat in the car and he started driving as I just looked to the front...

Does Joshu oppa know about yesterday..... Ofc.... He wanted me to become a president coz he was a president in his school and when I told him, his reaction was so priceless like it was worth to look at..... We celebrated and it may seem like a little thing to you but for me, it is always a dream but it became true lol..... I was looking outside the window smiling like an idiot thinking about yesterday until I noticed that we reached the school....." Bye Eunchae have a good first day as a president, I know how hard it will be but Fighting (Stan BSS bitch)!!" He said as he hugged and and I just smiled and nodded.... He is the most important person in my world and I will always love him...... Then I got out of the car and he drove away..... I went inside the school and saw Hanni waiting for me at the locker so I ran to her....

"Hannii!!" I said waving at her and she saw me and I noticed her face immediately lit up, it feels so good to see her smile coz it's the best for me and I also feel happy suddenly..... I hugged her as she hugged me back, " Looks like someone is very jolly today" Hanni said looking at me grinning as I smiled and said, " Well I cooked for my brother today and he loved it!!" In said excitedly, "Woah! chill you are literally jumping and I would never cook for my brother evr in my life" " My parents live in Daegyu and I only have my brother with me so it feels happy to see him happy too" I said with a sad face as Hanni hugged me again and patted my back.... I actually miss my parents and I haven't even called them, I wanna meet them so bad now........ " It's ok you have me, Sakura unnie and your brother here to comfort you" She said I nodded and we went to Sakura unnie's classroom........

As we both were walking, I heard someone calling my name and I turned around....... It was Jungwon, my face lit up as I saw him idk why..... He is just so cute and handsome like he is my ideal type and I just hope I don't fall in love with him...... I was smiling like an idiot until I noticed that he was already in front of me and I immediately came back to my senses, " Eunchae, I want to discuss about something so can we go?" He asked me with a smile and how could I refuse so I just nodded at him and we went to somewhere not too far but I told Hanni to go Sakura unnie and I will meet her there ...... After sometime I came back and went to Sakura unnie's classroom..... Honestly It was not too important conversation just about the campus actually........ I reached Sakura unnie's classroom and saw Hanni and her sitting and talking with eachother as she noticed me and I ran to her and hugged her...... Even tho we just met a few days ago, our bond have became very strong like Younger sister and older sister.......

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