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"So you like Sunoo?"


Eunchae's pov:

I looked at him...

"I feel like we already discussed about this."
"Yes we did but I'm not sure tho"
"Why is that Nishimura?"
Why, why .... What is wrong with him, why can't he just see that Sunoo is just a friend to me and nothing else ...

I'm so tired of you Niki, you're always taking things the wrong way and always harming me ....

"I saw you giving him some sort of a paper at the gate and he was blushing so hard and you too! I just know that there is something between you too!!!" He said as my blood boiled ...

"..... Come on Niki you're not a kid!!"
"Explain yourself or else I am going!!"
"Ok if you really want this then here.."
I explained to him, I could see his frowned face turn into a disappointed face as I was clearing up myself ...

"But still, you made him blush and that's the point!!" He said acting all childish as I chuckled out of nowhere, I know I shouldn't have but he was just too silly to handle ...

"Niki why are you so-" I was about complete my sentence Niki got a call from his parents, he immediately picked it up ...

A few seconds later ...

"Oh ok dad"
"Sure dad"

"What is it?"
"Dad said to us to return as he has something important to tell us" he said as we quickly left ...

We reached the couch and sat down again,

"Ok so what is it that you guys have to tell us?" He asked as our parents looked really nervous ...

I have a bad feeling about this ...

"Umm so we have decided that once you Eunchae turns 18, we will engage you guys together"

Both of us looked at each other and then to our parents ... This is the reason why they came here to meet me?

Why, WHY?!?? I want to break down in tears right now ... They are arranging a marriage for me with my ENEMY ...

"WHY MOM AND DAD?!?" I was red headed and so much in rage that this is the first time I ever yelled at my parents, the reason why I never get angry is because I always become red and my veins pop up which make me look like a demon ....

It was not that my own parents were shocked, I was also shocked at myself this time ....

"Eunchae it's just that we want-"

I left that place and started to look for Joshua oppa, I finally saw him chatting with Sana unnie ...

I quickly grabbed him arm and started dragging him out of this hall, "what are you doing Manch- are you crying?" "Drive me home right now."

I said as quite as possible as he was waving at Sana unnie before we exited this place .... I was standing there as I Joshua oppa was getting the car out ....

"We will engage you guys together"
Why is this bullshit keep repeating in my head? ...

"Eunchae!!!" I looked back because my name was suddenly called out... Only to see Niki running at me

"Eunchae your mom and dad are requesting you to stay-"
"Shut the fuck up and get away from me"

I rushed to the car as the door was already unlocked, I immediately sat down and signalled oppa to drive away as I saw Niki going back with a disappointing face ...

"Tell me what's wrong?"

That's it, I burst out in tears as he suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road ....

"Tell me what's wrong?" He said as he rubbed my back, "Mom and Dad arranged my marriage with Niki..." I said between my tears

He stayed silent, but I know he is not going to stay like that for long .... He immediately drove us to the house

As soon as we reached there, he dropped me and went back .... I was so confused as I entered the house ( he gave me the keys ofcourse)...

Joshua's pov:

That's it, I've had enough ... How can they arrange her marriage even before me ... Am I not their child, why do they have to do this?

Especially to my Manchae ... I can't even seeing her crying and they are marrying her off to Niki, I don't even trust him ....

( a few minutes later )

I entered the hall and rushed towards my parents and as soon as I got to them ...

"WHYYY" I yelled as I grabbed my dad collars ... "Jisoo please chill out please-"

I yelled at the as they stayed silent, I felt kind of bad when I yelled at them as it ruined my reputation ...

But that was not stopping me .... My veins popped out as I tried to calm myself before discussing about the marriage thing ...

(Half an hour later)

Dad and mom explained everything to me ... You see, Sana is not from a wealthy family, I mean she is wealthy but her business is different and that's why they arranged a marriage for Eunchae and Niki because they can combine their companies together in the future and have mutual benefits from it ....

I started to look for Sana but couldn't find her ... I guess she already left, I should also go and see if Eunchae is okay or not ... I just hope she is fine ...

I also asked mom and dad to come to home with me but they wanted to stay at the hotel ... I got out of the hall and drove my car to home ...

As soon I entered, I ran to Eunchae's room to comfort her but I found her sleeping ... Her face and the bed sheet were wet because she was crying, her eyes and nose super red and her face was so hot, she didn't even change her clothes ...

"That's a bad habit now huh" I said as I opened a blanket and placed it on her ... "I will try to do something Eunchae" I pecked her forehead before exiting her room ..

Finally posted this chapter, I rethinked my whole life before posting this chapter because it's a bit yk 😭
Anyways have a great day 💕

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