TRIP - 28

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It has already been 7 months since Eunchae transferred to this school and she doesn't regret it at all
It has been really fun for her! Making friends, having exams, dance and sports competitions and now
The school trip!!!
Let's see how this goes...

Eunchae's pov:

I woke up at 11:30 AM because of our school trip being today, I haven't really been to any school trips in my life until now. I wasn't really interested in these type of thing in my old school since I didn't have that many friends to enjoy it with. But now, all of them convinced me to go with them so I just had to. I immediately got ready quickly and styled my hair into a ponytail. I wore casual outfits today since school uniforms would be uncomfortable especially for girls, I'm glad they allowed that. I packed my bag with necessary items such a flashlight, a medical kit, 2 pants and 5 shirts since it's a 4 day trip, some snacks, a Nintendo, my powerbank, a blanket and some accessories. I was quite satisfied with my packing and made sure to check my list twice before going downstairs, I looked at the clock which showed 12:47 PM. I saw Joshua oppa cooking, I went behind him and hugged him as he responded to my hug by patting my head gently. "I'm gonna be so alone these four days!" He said as I chuckled, "Oppa you can invite Sana unnie over" I said as he nodded. "I'll surely do that, well atleast I'll have some time to spend with her", I sat down on the dining table and placed my bag. I took out my phone as it kept buzzing, it was a call from Heeseung oppa, I immediately answered it

E: Hello?
H: Hey Eunchae!
E: Hi oppa, what happened?
H: Are about to head out to school?
E: Not right now but I will in about 20 minutes or so
H: that's good because I'm coming to pick you up
E: What? Wait oppa don't, you shouldn't waste your time!

I tried to deny so many times but Heeseung oppa didn't give up. Finally after about 5 minutes of bickering, I gave in and agreed on him picking me up. Joshua oppa served me some chocolate waffles with fruits, I finished it as quick as possible. "Who was it?" Oppa asked sitting down beside me, "Heeseung oppa, he told me that he is coming to pick me up" I said munching on my waffles. "Oh my God he didn't have to do that, I will thank him" Joshua oppa said as he drank some water before talking off the apron. He was wearing his white T-shirt and black pants with just the blazer and tie missing along with his hair being set. He decided to go to the office late and nobody could even stop him, I mean he is next CEO of the company. "I'm also going to pick Sana on the way and drive to the office as she told me to" oppa said as I washed the dirty dishes and just hummed. He was filling up my water bottle and after doing so, he gave it to me as I kept it in my bag. After few minutes, we heard honks outside the house as we knew that Heeseung oppa has arrived. It's been so long since he has picked me up from my home, we went outside to see him coming out of the car to greet me. He smiled at me and then looked at my brother who was smiling widely, "Oh hello sir" Hee oppa said as his hand made it's way infront of Joshua oppa for handshake. He gladly accepted it, "Eunchae usually talks about you, thank you so much for taking care of her. Also, you can call me hyung" oppa said with a wide grin. I chuckled seeing them both talking, they really match eachother's vibe. Heeseung oppa slowly came towards before engulfing me in a tight hug

"O-oppa can't breath!" I said as he quickly let go and I started panting, "Sorry" he said scratching the back of his head. We made our way to his car as I bid my farewell with Joshua oppa by giving him a peck on the cheeks, he waved at me. I waved back at him as the car started to move, me and Heeseung oppa started to talk with eachother and sing some songs. We were singing "Golden hour" by JVKE and I was pleasantly surprised that oppa has such a good voice, "You should be am idol oppa cuz I mean you got good looks, you're vocals are perfect, You're dancing skills are on point and you're literally perfect!!" I said as he chuckled. "Now don't get me wrong Manchae, I do want to be an idol but since I'm an only child. I have the burden to take the position of the CEO of my dad's company" he said as I looked at him. "You know, Joshua oppa also wanted to be an idol, he is literally perfect for that. But dad didn't want him to as he also has to be the next CEO, three of his friends are k-pop idols" I said. "How many friends does he have?" He asked as I smiled, "He is in a friend group called Seventeen, where there are 13 people including him. One of his bestfriends is Choi Seungcheol, our teacher and a gym trainer and the other is Yoon Jeonghan, the model. There is also a Chinese guy named Wen Junhui who is a Chinese actor along with his another Chinese buddy, Xu Minghao who is the owner of 'XU PARADISE', the famous hotel. There is a unit names BSS that comprises of his three friends, Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Seokmin and Boo Seungkwan, it's a really famous unit. All of them are idols, Kim Mingyu is also a popular model like Jeonghan. Jeon Wonwoo is a really famous gamer and a gym trainer. Lee Jihoon is a really hardworking producer that works for BSS and many other groups. There is a guy named Chwe Hansol and he is training to be the next CEO of his dad's company. And lastly the youngest member, Lee chan. He is a really famous dance instructor and a choreographer"

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