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So...we are on to Year Two! Exciting! Right when @Pengiwen is updating again too! That's awesome, I am loving all the updates. 

This fanfiction is based on The Marauders By  Series! This focuses on a few of the OCS (one more so major, and the other two more minor) going in-depth about their years at Hogwarts. :)

Side note, I have like three other fanfictions in the works based on other characters, (canon, hers, and my own) set in this universe. I have an obsession. Who knows if I'll ever post them, but then again this series started with an "I don't think I will post this" so...

I am always bad at these author's notes, but like in Year One, content warnings will be listed ahead of time at the beginning of a chapter. I will warn you, the abuse is more explicit this year than it was last as it was mostly just implied or discussed about in Year One. There will be warnings though, and that happens thirty or so chapters in, so don't worry. 

Also, this fanfiction is still being written so updates will be much slower than the last bit of Year One. 

Again, my writing is not up to par like some other fanfiction authors, but I hope that during this process of writing the Hogwarts years it will improve!!

I hope you all enjoy it!!

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