A Milestone Of Growing Up

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The second year Hufflepuffs made their way down to the dungeons for their first Potions class, meeting up with the second year Ravenclaws on the way. Quinn and Gifford immediately met up and started to chat away about what their summers were like when Marlene and Emmaline both approached Harry and Jasper.

"Hey guys!" Emmaline said brightly. "How was your summer?"

"It was alright," Harry said. "What about you?"

"It was good!" Emmaline exclaimed. "My family visited a few states in America this summer."

"Oh, that's cool, how was it?" Harry asked. "Do you have pictures?"

"It was fun, and yes, I took a few but they are in my dorm. I will get them at lunch," Emmaline said and she looked over to Marlene who was looking at her feet. Emmaline nudged her, with a smile on her face. "Marlene?"

"Are you alright?" asked Harry.

Marlene nodded. "Yeah." She looked over at Jasper quickly and she turned a bit pink before looking at her Mary Jane shoes again.

"Marlene has a crush," Emmaline said in a low voice and that made Marlene hit her in the shoulder.

"Really?" Harry asked. "On who?"

Emmaline stared at Harry for a beat.

"It's no one!" Marlene said quickly. She grabbed Emmaline's hand. "Let's go!" and she dragged them both into the potions classroom before any of them could say anything else.

Harry and Jasper followed them in. "Who do you think her crush is?" Harry asked Jasper.

"I don't know," Jasper said. He was too worried about the fact that Marlene had not looked at him at all during their conversation. He did have a suspicion and if that was really true, why? Why would Marlene be upset with him? Had he done something?

Since the four of them were the last ones in the classroom, there were only two desks free. Harry sat at the one closest to the front so he would be able to listen best for notetaking and instruction and Jasper was about to sit down next to him when Emmaline plopped in the chair beside Harry.

Harry looked over at her, confused. "Don't you want to sit with Marlene?"

Emmaline shrugged. "I thought it would be nice to have a partner who is...from a different house! As the hat said...inter-house friendship!!"

Harry stared at her, still very confused. Marlene and Emmaline were best friends. They were the two Ravenclaw girls you always saw together, it would be weird to break them up but he still said, "Okay?"

Professor Slughorn entered the classroom with a smile on his face. "Good morning second years!" His eyes scanned over the class and he saw that Jasper and Marlene were still standing awkwardly. "Mr. Odair, Miss. McKinnon, take a seat!" and the professor signalled to the last empty two-person desk.

Jasper and Marlene both slowly went over to the last desk and sat beside each other, Marlene avoiding Jasper's eyes and he wanted to say something, say he was sorry for upsetting her but before he could, Professor Slughorn started the lesson.

Harry was watching this interaction with a muddled expression on his face. He looked over to Emmaline who was smiling way too much for a Monday and that only puzzled him more.

"What's wrong with Marlene and Jasper?" Harry asked her. "Is Marlene mad at him or something?"

Emmaline stared at him, dumbfounded. "I thought you were smart."

Harry was surprised at this and he looked down at the tabletop. "Sorry."

Emmaline gave him a funny look. "I didn't mean it like that, isn't it obvious who Marlene likes?"

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