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Jasper woke up early like always, not that he had been sleeping for very long anyway as he had been up on and off during the night due to worrying about...everything.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was Monday, the first day of classes.

Sunday was spent showing the first year Hufflepuffs around the school. Jasper, Harry and Maryrose decided to do this in order to help the new Hufflepuffs not get lost and have an easier time finding their way around. Andy Scott had paused every so often to ask about a moving portrait or one of the ghosts, just anything pertaining to the topic of the Wizarding World, while Wendy stayed close with her cousin and Wyatt Haywood kept spewing random quidditch facts to everyone (some Jasper didn't even know) and Elijah Po would ask the occasional question in his quiet voice while the others chatted and talked about things they were looking forward to.

Jasper still did not know what classes they had that day. They hadn't even gotten their class schedules yet. He assumed they would get it at breakfast or else everyone would be lost on where to go.

He had written to his brothers yesterday when they showed the Hufflepuff first years the Owlery (a place that Jordan Miller seemed to be very fond of right away) and he hoped he would get a reply back soon.

He still wanted to ask Professor Dumbledore about his brothers going to Hogwarts. Would he say no? Would he at least let Toby go since he was of age? Not all Hogwarts subjects required magic...

He could try.

He sighed, lying in his bed, bored. He wished he was able to wake the others up but it was only half past five in the morning.

Tick tock.

Jasper rolled out of bed, actually rolled, and slipped onto the floor. He rubbed his eyes before taking out the books he had gotten from the Restricted Section on Defence Against The Dark Arts. He opened the first one and started to flip through it.

It didn't hold much, just NEWT-level spells and information that Jasper did not particularly care about right now as it did not describe any spell that would last all year without the caster being there to recast it. The closest thing he found in the two hours he spent looking through the book was the Fidelus Charm but that would not do any good against his dad but it would be useful against dark wizards.

Jasper didn't know who this Vola-what's his name was. All he knew was that he was a dark wizard who wanted to kill anybody who was not a pureblood, well specifically muggleborns and muggles. People like him and his family.

However he did also remember hearing that the Ministry had it under control, and he trusted the Ministry. They had magic on their side! It could not be too bad right?

Jasper tried not to think about the fact that the bad guys also had magic on their side.

He closed the book around half past seven and rubbed his eyes. He put the book back under his bed. Hopefully, the other two would be more useful but now it was time to wake everyone up for school.

First, he grabbed his school clothes and went to the loo to change and once he was done with that he re-entered the dorm room to see that everyone was still asleep.

Jasper went over to Harry's bed first. He was usually the easiest to wake up and the least grumpy when Jasper did so. "Harry," Jasper whispered.


"Harry?" Jasper called again.


Jasper shook his shoulder. "Get up, get up, get up, get up!!"

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now