He Just Needed To Adapt

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"What happened?" asked Fiona as soon as she saw that Alabaster was starting to stir from the hospital bed.

"Hm?" Alabaster mumbled groggily.

"Why are you in the Hospital Wing?" Fiona asked urgently getting straight to the point. "What happened yesterday?"

Alabaster yawned and sat up, still a bit sore from yesterday. He opened his eyes and saw Fiona sitting beside the bed he was laying in looking worried.

"It has not even been a week and you are already in here," Fiona said. She shook her head. "What happened?" she asked for the third time.

"Oh..." Alabaster started. Should he tell the truth? That Theodore had gotten mad at him for showing respect toward a girl who had died. Not just died but had been murdered. He was still confused as to why Theodore was so angry at him for doing it in the first place. Wasn't it the right thing? It had to be. It was.

Fiona was watching him waiting for an answer. "Oh...?" She waved her hands, wanting him to elaborate. "Oh, what?"

"Well, Theodore was just upset with me yesterday," Alabaster replied which made Fiona do a double take. "That is all."

Fiona stared at him incredulously. "What do you mean that's all? He was the one who broke your nose?!"

Alabaster touched his nose and it felt fine. "Well, yes but it is fixed now–"

"Alabaster, that's awful!" Fiona exclaimed. She had thought maybe he had fallen down the stairs as he had a habit of tripping on them. It had never crossed her mind that his own cousin hexed him.


"Your cousin broke your nose because he was mad at you?"

Alabaster nodded. "Yes. It was because of what happened yesterday with the girl who died. Alice Bell. Theodore did not like that I raised my glass so–"

"That's horrible," Fiona stated crossing her arms. Yes, she had noticed that his cousin had been angry at Alabaster for doing so as well as with his own sister as she had attempted to. When Fiona had asked if Eve was okay (as she seemed to be on edge) she had snapped at her. Fiona had never imagined that family would attack each other, especially when it was the right thing, but what could she expect from Slytherins? Still, attacking a family member was the lowest someone could go. "I can't believe he would do something like that."

Alabaster shrugged. He didn't know why Fiona was making it such a big deal, it really wasn't. "It is fine."

"It's not!" Fiona exclaimed. "He hurt you over something a small as that and you were the one doing the right thing, and–"

"Well, I was not supposed to do that," Alabaster stopped her. "Theodore did give me a warning and I didn't listen." He shrugged. "Even though I do not fully understand what the problem was with me raising my glass, I am supposed to listen to Theodore – my Mother and Father specifically told me that, and I disobeyed them..." His eyes widened. "Oh no."


"I disobeyed my parents!" he exclaimed feeling a sense of panic wash over him. How could he do such a thing? He was supposed to listen to Theodore and he didn't! He completely disregarded his parents' rules.

Then he realised that he had done that since arriving at Hogwarts. He had been talking to halfbloods and muggleborns (that was the right term, he needed to tell his family that) when his Mother and Father had said not to. They had their good reasons for it. It was because they were worried that muggleborns would attempt to steal his magic but muggleborns already had magic – did they get it from another pureblood wizard? Where did they get it from?!

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