I Believe In You

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Dear Adelaide,

I am! Theodore actually created a spell that reads out words to me when it is applied to a specific text, so maybe classes won't be as much of a nightmare as I originally thought they would be.

Hogwarts has been okay. The common room is interesting. It holds the house colours of green, and silver, but there is this fantastic view of the lake. I really hope to catch the Giant Squid one time. I think the common room is underwater. I am not sure. The only complaint I have is that the common room is really cold sometimes, but that might be because it is in the basement. The couches and chairs are quite cosy and it smells minty which I like. I am not in the common room much. I stay in my dormitory a lot. I really want to draw a fish.

The Sorting Hat was a unique experience. It actually debated for a long time what house I should be in, it debated between all four of them! It was quite odd having this little voice saying things to you, and seeming to know everything about you, the hat knew about Atticus, it said it could see into my mind, and despite how weird that is, it was a cool experience, I can not wait until you get sorted too! I wonder what your experience will be like.

The professors are nice. I really like Professor McGonagall, she is the Deputy Headmistress, the Head Of Gryffindor, and the Transfiguration professor. Hogwarts has been making me really anxious, but I will get used to it. My Head Of House is the Potions professor, Professor Slughorn, and he seems nice enough.

I have made a few friends, and they are all really nice. There is this boy named Oliver Dolohov, he is a Slytherin too, and we met on the Hogwarts Express. He is really nice, but he is very hard on himself. I also have another friend in Slytherin, her name is Fiona Talisman, and she knows a lot about muggle things so I ask her about them. She also has a twin brother in Hufflepuff, and they are both part veela. I had no idea until she told me. She is really nice.

I also have another friend, her name is Jordan Miller, and she is a Hufflepuff. She has a house elf named Ozzy, and they are both very nice. They are teaching me a new language! This language is different though as no words are spoken, it is all using your hands. I think it is quite cool! I hope I can show you what I have learned when I visit you over the Holiday.

"Alabaster!" a familiar voice called and he looked up to see Fiona standing just outside the door. "What are you doing?" Alabaster was about to say that he was writing a letter, but Fiona continued before he could. "The first quidditch game is going to start soon, let's go!!"

"Okay, let me just finish writing this letter, and I will be out soon," Alabaster said, and he thought to himself, the first quidditch game, how exciting!

The first quidditch game...

Oh, I am so going to die, Jasper thought.

He wasn't ready, and he wasn't prepared, and it was the very first game he would be competing in, and he was only a second year, and being the seeker, everyone was relying on him to finish and win the game. What the heck was he thinking when he tried out? What? That he was somehow going to prove his Dad and anyone who had been saying he couldn't do it wrong? He hadn't even caught the snitch against his opponent. Cara just favoured him because he had a good attitude, nothing else! How was being nice going to help them win? What if he had no talent at all? What if he was just going to fail Cara as his captain and fail his house as a whole? What if they all ended up hating him because he wasn't a good quidditch player?!

His very same worries were shared by Marty Brown who was pacing in the common room going back and forth and back and forth that it was starting to make Jasper dizzy. The other Hufflepuffs of their year were just trying to convince them to go down to the Great Hall to eat breakfast before the game started.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now