The Double Sided Pumpkin

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Referenced homophobia and use of the f slur.

Once again, it was October 31st, and Jasper spent his morning in the library looking for anything that would remotely be a spell that worked all year round when Jasper wasn't there to recast it.

He still had hope that Ethan, Francis, and Edgar would end up being magical. There was no hope for Toby anymore, and Jasper hated it. Now Jasper was worried none of them would end up being magical, because they had never displayed anything like Jasper had done when he was four. The only one who had, denied it, and why would Edgar lie about it?

His trip to the Restricted Section a few weeks ago had been unsuccessful. He couldn't get through all the books in one night, and the ones he had looked through had nothing of use to him.

So he was back to square one.

"Hi Jasper," a recognizable voice said. He looked up from the book he was reading to see Anthony passing by.

"Oh, hello," Jasper said. He hadn't seen him around much since the beginning of the year. He wondered what Anthony had been up to. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay," Anthony replied, looking through one of the bookshelves that held Charms books. "Pandora said there should be a book on pumpkin carving spells in here so I am looking for one."

"Oh, are you two going to carve pumpkins?" Jasper asked. He had completely forgotten that was a thing to be done on Halloween as he hadn't done it last year and Hogwarts seemed to not do anything for Halloween besides decorate, and have a delicious feast.

Anthony nodded. "She said it is a family thing the Jenkins do..." His voice got quiet. "It...still feels weird to say that."

Jasper slowly nodded. He understood why it would have been weird. Moving in with your older brother into his best friend's house so they could get away from a bad situation didn't happen often, and it certainly would get some getting used to.

"So is your brother involved with it too?" Jasper asked.

Anthony nodded. "Pandora made him. He said pumpkin carving is stupid, she says otherwise, and she won the argument. I think he is still getting used to our new situation, I still am too, but he has never been fond of change, and a few months ago was a big one..." Anthony turned to Jasper, a book pressed against his chest. "Thanks to you."

"No, really it was the Jenkins," Jasper said. "They took you in."

"Still, thank you," Anthony said and he lowered his voice. "Chris said he is looking for something to help you too."

Jasper sighed. "Well, let's hope he has better luck with it then me," he said as Anthony sat down across from him. "How did your brother do it?"

"Honestly, I was a quiet kid, and I stayed out of my Dad's way," Anthony told him. "I mostly hid out in my room. Our Dad...he liked putting on this act that he was perfect. Let's just say he was a workaholic and alcoholic." He paused. "I do remember when Chris first got his letter though, he tried to sneak me in the school."

Jasper was surprised. He remembered thinking of that idea but Toby had said it would be too risky. Maybe he should have tried harder and just did it. "How did that go?"

"Got caught before we even made it on the train," Anthony said. "I told him it wouldn't work, and he was really mad when I pushed him on the train without warning." Jasper looked thoughtful at this and Anthony gave him a wary look. "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

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