Team Spirit

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Harry was looking over the scrolls Jordan had given to some of the Hufflepuffs. It held the American Sign Language alphabet. Now that it was the weekend, and he had finished his homework he had more time to learn the alphabet, and hopefully some other words to hold a conversation.

Learning Sign Language was different from other languages. It was not like you could look up the words. There were no written words. Would there be books with pictures in them? Diagrams of the sign? Would Hogwarts even have books like that? He doubted it and if they did, it would be British Sign Language, not ASL.

He could ask Jordan. That's how he had learned what he knew in the first place, but Harry didn't want to pester her repeatedly on how to say a specific word.

But if she had a chart with the alphabet she may have a book right? He would ask when he saw her next.

Harry was just going through the alphabet for the third time when Jasper burst into the dorm room with Marty behind him.

"QUIDDITCH TRYOUTS ARE ON SATURDAY!!!" the both of them yelled at the same time.

Harry smiled at their enthusiasm, they were both literally jumping for joy. "And are you ready?"

"I was born ready," Marty stated. "My mum and I used to do quidditch trials at home, she always said that I would make a good beater, and I am going to make the team not just for her, but for me..." She paused. "And also to prove wrong all the people saying I can't do it."

Jasper made a face. "Who has been saying you can't do it?"

"Some of the older boys," Marty said. "They think I won't make the team because I am a girl, let alone a beater which is a boy position." She rolled her eyes. "I am going to prove them wrong."

Jasper nodded. "You are, you are one of the best flyers in our year. You are going to make it for sure. I know it."

"Don't jinx it!" Marty said.

"Well good luck to you both," Harry said. "Do you know anyone else who is trying out?"

"Some of the third and fourth years were talking about trying out," Marty supplied.

"And the first years are really excited at the prospect of quidditch," Jasper said. "The muggleborns specifically as they have never heard of it before."

"Reminds me of how you were," Harry said.

Jasper smiled. "Yeah...I can't believe we can try out now!" He started jumping up and down excitement running through his veins. "It's so exciting!!"

"You are still thinking of seeker right?"

Jasper nodded. "Yup and Marty of course is going to try out for beater...did you know that Marlene is trying out for beater too? Well, she was talking about it, I am not completely sure."

Marty chuckled. "You may have mentioned it a few times."

Jasper nodded getting an odd expression on his face that Marty could not name. "I'll bet she will do great."

Harry laughed and Marty raised her eyebrows. She looked at Harry and mouthed crush? Harry nodded and Marty's mouth formed an "O" shape.

On Saturday when the Slytherin tryouts were starting to pack up, Jasper, Marty, and the other Hufflepuffs trying out went out onto the fields for tryouts. Harry went too – only to sit on the benches and be there for support.

Harry sat on the bench when the Hufflepuff first years came out and scattered along the benches to watch the tryouts as well, their excited chatter filling the stands.

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