Home Again

138 7 55

Implied abuse.

"You're home!!"

As soon as Jasper was out of the car, Edgar spotted him, and Jasper looked over to see him on the porch jumping up, and down in excitement.

Jasper ran over to him, picked up his brother, and spun him around in a hug. "I told you I would be."

Edgar hugged him back. "I missed you. So much."

"I missed you too Ed." Jasper told him giving him a smile. He was happy to be back despite everything that happened here. He was glad to be able to spend time with his brothers again. To talk to them. To see them. That was what he considered home, and now he was back.

He noticed that Edgar was looking ahead of him now, and Jasper half turned, and saw the car was still there, and Jasper quickly turned back, remembering that everyone was supposed to be sick, and said in a semi-loud voice, "Well, looks like you got lucky, and got better faster than everyone else, huh?"


Jasper lowered his voice. "They think everyone's sick, okay?"


"Because I told them."


Jasper sighed, and whispered, "So, they don't find out about our parents, alright? Don't say anything." Jasper turned to the Warbeck's car, and gave a little wave. "Thanks for dropping me off!"

"It was no problem." Harry's father replied. "Have a good summer."

"Thanks–" Jasper started, but he stopped when he realised Edgar was hiding behind him. "Erm, sorry, he's just shy, but I hope you both have a good summer too!"

Harry's father started to drive off, and Harry called out, "See you in two months!"

Once they were gone, Jasper breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Edgar, and said, "You know not every dad is like ours, right? Harry's dad is nice, I promise."

"You sure?"

Jasper gave a sad smile. "I'm sure." He gave him another hug, and kissed his head. "Are the others inside?"

Edgar looked at the closed door, hesitantly. "Mum, and dad are out right now."

Jasper nodded, not surprised. Their father spent most of his time at the bar, while their mother was either at work or who knows where. He approached the door, but Edgar blocked him from opening it. "Edgar, what's wrong?" He asked, getting nervous now.

"Nothing!!" Edgar said his voice wavering, and Jasper already knew he was hiding something from him. "I was just...going to show you something I learned from school! It...is really important that we are outside for it..."

Jasper stared at him, unconvinced. "Open the door."

Edgar sighed. There really wasn't too much harm in showing him, and it wasn't like he could stop him anyway. He opened the door, and they both went inside. Jasper looked at the empty living room, and went upstairs. He put his trunk down in the hall, and Edgar followed him to Toby, and Ethan's room.

It was like he knew. Edgar thought. How does he do that?

Jasper opened the door quickly, and saw Ethan trying his best to apply foundation to a bruise that was forming on Toby's cheek. "What happened?!" Jasper asked, and he quickly went to sit beside Ethan.

Ethan gave a look to Edgar. "You were supposed to distract him."

Edgar looked down at his feet, sighing. "I tried."

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