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"Have you ever been to Diagon Alley before?"

Edgar shook his head, his eyes still red from crying.

Alabaster nodded. He was trying his best to cheer up the kid, but he knew that all he wanted to do was see his brothers again, so he continued to lead him through crowds of people milling about, most of who were getting school supplies for Hogwarts.

The number of people in Diagon Alley that day was making Alabaster feel quite overwhelmed. He remembered his first trip had been even worse as he had just been running around trying to find his way and the amount of people and all the commotion had been a painful surprise. That's what was happening today and it just wanted to make Alabaster find a quiet corner to try to calm down in, but he needed to be strong for the little boy that was much more frightened than he was.

He just needed to get used to all the noise and the people, it couldn't be too hard, right?

Alabaster thought back to the way Edgar had started to shake the stone walls he was in the middle of. The kid had some pretty powerful magic in him. It was a bit unnerving. Alabaster was not sure if that type of power was normal as the accidental magic he had observed from his siblings had been minor. The most was breaking a light or a window, not crumbling a wall from Knockturn Alley. "That was some pretty powerful magic back there." Edgar looked up at him. "You are powerful, but you need to–"

"I'm not magical," Edgar stated quickly.

Alabaster looked down at him. "You must be, the magic you did back there was–"

Edgar shook his head. He was not magical, he couldn't be. "Well it must have been someone else, I didn't do it."

Alabaster stared at him quizzically. Why would someone who was obviously magical, deny that they were? He wanted to inquire but thought against it as the kid was already frightened enough. "Well, let's go find your brothers."

Edgar walked along, staying close to Alabaster, trying his best to stay calm. This was all new, overwhelming and scary. He didn't like the dark wizards he had met. He knew not all wizards were like that, his brother was one, and Edgar knew Jasper didn't have a single bad bone in his body. He was a good person, he would never hurt anyone.

He looked up at Alabaster. The older boy seemed nice, he had calmed him down when he felt his magic – no when he was feeling scared. Edgar noticed he looked quite nervous as well and Edgar wondered if this was all new to him too. "Are you muggleborn?"

"A what?" asked Alabaster, unfamiliar with the term.

"Like...two non-magical parents?"

Alabaster shook his head. "No, I am a pureblood."

"You're very nice for a pureblood," Edgar murmured.

Alabaster gave him a confused look. Wasn't the mudbloods, and halfbloods the ones he needed to be careful of? Alabaster just thought the boy was confused, after all, he was quite young. "Well...let's go find your brothers, I think I know where they are."

"You do?" asked Edgar.

Alabaster nodded. "I met three of them in the Apothecary. The other one was looking for their lost little it adds up."

Edgar nodded, and Alabaster signalled for him to follow along they turned a corner and there were several shops placed along the area. Edgar spotted an owl on top of a young girl's head and he knew Francis would have loved to see it. He always talked about the different types of owls and magical creatures from the book Jasper had gotten for Christmas from one of his friends. Edgar didn't say much in these conversations, but he listened and put his input in here and there.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now