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Dear Harry,

I thought we agreed we would talk over the telephone, not have your owl come to my window. Oto showed up with your letter, and even though it's great to hear from you, I was not thrilled to see him. He wasn't even thrilled to see me. I didn't think owls could glare but he sure can.

I do hope you are having a good summer. Do you have any plans? And how are your nightmares? Have they stopped?


Dear Jasper,

I know we agreed to talking over the phone, and I still do have your number in case you were wondering if I lost it, but it is kinda hard to hear you over the phone. I don't want to turn to volume high because then my parents would hear, and it could bother them. They are quite busy with work. Do you really hate Oto that much? He only agreed to go to a window anyway. He was very upset when I told him to deliver a letter to you, and he looks very perturbed that I'm writing another.

I don't have too much planned this summer. Mum is pretty busy, but I know we'll find time to spend together. Do you have any plans, and how are you, and your brothers?



I guess I'll survive dealing with Oto, he hasn't been too bad. I'm glad you're having an alright summer. I have been good. It is nice to see my family again, I missed them a lot. My brothers have been fine. I think Edgar might be magical, but he keeps denying it. Toby told me he kept breaking things and going on high furniture, what do you think?

You never answered about the nightmares, have they gotten any better?



Edgar? That is the littlest one right? The one that flew into a tree last winter? Well I mean I suppose he could be magical with the things you described. Breaking things is one of the more prime examples of accidental magic. Him getting on furniture could mean he is floating, that's not as common though, but you never know!! Let me know if he does anything else considered "odd". I'll look into it as well. How are your other brothers reacting to this? If they aren't magical, and the youngest one is, it must be hard for them. How are you holding up with that?

Hope everything is okay!


Also, if Edgar is magical, why does he keep telling you he isn't?


Yeah, Edgar is the youngest. He is now 7. It makes sense that he might be magical, but he has denied it when I have asked him. Which is the reason why I think he might NOT be magical after all. I think he would tell me and I just hope all my siblings end up being magical. It would just be nice to all learn magic together. I keep thinking about what houses they'd be in. I don't think we'd all be Hufflepuffs, that's for sure.

Toby seems fine with the possibility of Edgar being magical. I think he wishes he could go to Hogwarts too, but he is doing well with hiding it. He has always been the most accepting of the magical world, I find. Most accepting of me since this all started. I think he'd love Hogwarts. I think he'd be a Hufflepuff too, and I know I just said that we wouldn't be all in the same house but I definitely think we'd be Hufflepuffs together.

Ethan is moody about it, but I hope to fix it before it gets too bad and Francis starts to follow along too. Although he just gets excited when Oto shows up. He loves him. I am thinking of getting him an owl stuffie for his birthday.

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