An Emotional Support Hoo

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Anxiety attack.

Jasper spotted Peaches flying through the Great Hall, and he was relieved as soon as he saw her. He was getting worried that he wouldn't get a reply from his brother. Jasper was already fully prepared to leave school. He had been thinking up excuses for the past couple of nights, the best one being a family member was deathly ill, and how he needed to go home, but it looked like he wouldn't need to do that after all as Peaches flew down to the table, making one of the first years drop their spoon with a clatter.

"Hello Peaches, you got a letter for me?" Peaches held out her leg, and Jasper untied the envelope, and instead of flying off like she always did back to the Owlery, she stayed where she was.

Jasper found that odd, but he ripped the envelope open, and pulled out the folded piece of paper. He had gotten up early because there was quidditch practice so it was just the Hufflepuff team, and the first year Wyatt who was bouncing in his seat.

He unfolded the letter, and started to read.


I am really glad you're working on a spell with Maryrose's sister so you'll be able to see us face to face. I hate this letter business too so I hope it works out, I really miss seeing you. Do you think you'll be able to do it? Also, Peeves does sound annoying, I am glad you got the letter back, but you have to tell Peaches to wait until morning as she decided to hoot at the front door at 5AM.

Jasper sighed, and gave a pointed look to Peaches who was trying her best to look innocent.

Yes, I didn't want you to know about mum, and dad being gone. Ethan is right there, but I am not letting my worry show. I have been doing what I remember you doing when I was little. I will take them to the park though, thanks for the idea. I know our parents will be back sooner or later, they always are, but you don't need to give up Hogwarts because of our parents, or because of me. I am fine. I can do this. It is more peaceful with them gone, that's the nice part. I promise if I ever need help, I'll ask you for advice.

I can't wait to see you when you come home. I miss you..

"Who's that from?" Wyatt piped up as Jordan and Ozzy sat next to him at the table.

Jasper quickly folded up the letter and said, "Just my family."

"Is it about quidditch?" Wyatt asked. "Do they know about quidditch being muggles? If they don't you should tell them, because quidditch is the best!"

Jasper chuckled. "I've told them about quidditch."

"Do you think they would like to do a quidditch match?"

"Er, well I don't know," Jasper said, assuming that Wyatt meant his brothers. "I'd have to ask them, why?"

"Because I need to have quidditch buddies!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"How would my brothers be your quidditch buddies?"

Wyatt shrugged. "For when they can come to Hogwarts!! Andy, and I are building our own quidditch team!"

"And what will your quidditch team consist of?"

"Anyone who isn't allowed on the team," Wyatt said. "First years, people who didn't get on the team, that sort. Any house too! Well, except the Slytherins...they are quite mean..."

"What about Fiona?" Jordan asked as Ozzy had been interpreting the conversation for her.

Wyatt quickly nodded. "Yes, Fiona will be allowed if she would like to join." He signed to the best of his ability, but he butchered a few of the words, but Ozzy was signing as well so the message was not lost.

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