A Mock Quidditch Game

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Referenced abuse.

"Remember this is just for fun!! Try your best, and have fun!" Derek Bell called to the quidditch team he had assembled on this fine autumn day.

Alice Bell released the quaffle and the game had begun.

Well here we go, Jasper thought.

Lily Evans got the quaffle immediately and zoomed down the pitch, passing by the opposing team with ease, quickly dodging bludgers that were coming her way. She was already a natural at this, Jasper thought. He and Penny kept close but still spread out throughout the pitch in case Lily needed to make a pass.

But she didn't need to, Lily made the first goal easily, the quaffle flying past the opposing team's keeper into the goalpost and then Lily flew past James who was searching for the snitch.

"Good goal Lily!" Jasper called to her.


The Slytherin beaters were pitching out bludgers every single second it seemed, and the quaffle was in one of the Slytherin's possessions but was intercepted by Penny who then quickly flew the length on the pitch, intending to make a goal.

A bludger suddenly knocked the quaffle out of her hands, and the quaffle fell. A Slytherin went for it and Jasper dove after it as well and almost crashed into the Slytherin, but he quickly righted himself.

"Sorry!!" he exclaimed as he caught the quaffle.

All he heard was the Slytherin mutter something about how mudbloods couldn't play quidditch, and Jasper flew off to one of the rings and chucked the quaffle through the rings.

Unfortunately, Mulciber, who was the keeper, blocked it but at least he had tried. The sport was quite tough for him as this was his first time and playing against the Slytherins made it all the harder.

The game commenced and their team was winning. As they got more points, the Slytherins got angrier and started to play even dirtier as a result. A bludger almost hit Jasper in the face, but luckily he ducked it and he heard Derek Bell snap at whoever had done it.

Lily was scoring most of the goals and Jasper thought that hopefully, she would actually try out for the Gryffindor team as she would make a really good addition.

She and James on the same team - they would be great together.

Jasper once again got in possession of the quaffle and he ducked a bludger coming his way (he realised bludgers were his least favourite part of the sport as they kept appearing out of nowhere) and looked to the right, and saw another Slytherin coming his way to try to intercept him.

It was Theodore Jackson.

Of course, it was, Jasper thought, annoyed.

Jasper was flying side by side with Theodore at this point and Jasper had to keep a steady eye on him and the commotion around them because he had no doubt in his mind that Theodore wouldn't try something nasty.

"You really think you can play quidditch?" Theodore asked with a sneer.

"Well, considering I am the one with the quaffle...yeah, I think so!" Jasper snapped back.

Theodore rolled his eyes and was about to physically grab the quaffle from his arms when a bludger from Billius Weasley knocked him off course giving Jasper time to make a goal.

It went through the left hoop.

"Yes!" Jasper whispered to himself, ecstatic that he had succeeded in getting a point for his team.

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