The Train Ride To Hogwarts

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King's Cross was filled with muggles, and wizards milling about heading to work, school or just taking the train to have a fun day with their friends. The trains were noisy among the late morning chatter. The muggle trains were very fascinating, Alabaster thought. He wanted to get a closer look; to see how they worked, moved, and looked like on the inside, but he knew his father would scold him for it, so he continued to walk on, trying to ignore the small pit of sickness in his stomach. It was like Diagon Alley, he really needed to push it down and ignore it, and everything would be fine. The Hogwarts Express was leaving in an hour and all he needed to focus on was getting on that train. 

Alabaster was about to go through the wall to get to the platform when his father stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. Alabaster tensed and looked up at him.

"Now remember," his father said his voice hard. "Make sure you always listen to your cousins – specifically Theodore, do not speak to anyone that is not a pureblood or a Slytherin, understand? You need to associate with the right people."

Alabaster nodded.

"And do not let anyone figure out we have a brainless heir for a son," He stared coldly at him, his eyes ever so serious and Alabaster knew that was the one secret he had to never tell; whether it be because people would hate him for it or if anyone did figure it out, his parents would kill him. One or the other. "Do well in your classes, and don't be an idiot. Listen to your professors, but specifically listen to the Slytherins. They know the right thing to do, unlike the rest of that daft school."

Alabaster nodded. "Okay, Father. I will listen to Theodore and the other Slytherins. I'll be careful."

"Make sure to listen, and ask no questions, understand?"

"I do."

"Don't disappoint us more than you already have." His father finally let go of his shoulder and watched him intently as he approached Platform 9 & ¾. Alabaster ran straight toward the wall a bit nervous. He knew he wasn't going to bang into the wall, but in the back of his mind he had this feeling he would and how embarrassing would that be?

Luckily he went straight through the wall, the chatter and noise going quiet for a beat before it resumed again and he saw the Hogwarts Express, a huge scarlet train puffing grey smoke. Alabaster's eyes were wide. "Wow." He looked around at all the witches, and wizards at the platform. Some were older kids in groups, catching up with their friends and being quite rowdy with each other, and others were younger saying goodbye to their parents who looked close to tears which Alabaster thought was a bit improper as what kind of example were these parents setting for their children if they were showing weakness in public? It was so very strange.

Alabaster nervously pushed his trolley. There were so many people. He was extremely skittish but also excited. He was finally in the outside world, he was finally going to school!

"Alabaster!" a voice called.

He turned and saw his sister running up to him. "Wait, before you get on the train!" Her locket caught the light in the sun seeping through the windows. She was holding something and once she reached him on the platform she handed it to him. "Here. It is not every day you go to Hogwarts, plus you turned 11 a couple of weeks ago and that's special."

Alabaster took it. It was a dark brown journal. "Thanks..." he said slowly. His sister knew he was not the best writer, in fact, he got extremely frustrated whenever doing so, so why was she giving him this?

Adelaide must have read his thoughts somehow and said, "It is for you to draw!" She took the journal from his hands and opened it. "I already magiced your drawings in it." She indicated to past sketches Alabaster had done as she flipped through it. She looked quite proud.

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