The Nightmare That Is History Of Magic

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Anxiety attack.

The first year Slytherins entered the History Of Magic classroom along with the first year Hufflepuffs. Felix immediately went up to Fiona as he had not seen her at lunch. "Hey, how was your first class?"

"It was good!" Fiona exclaimed. "We didn't do any wandwork though...I am really looking forward to that. You had flying, right?"

Felix nodded. "Yeah, it was pretty cool." He looked over at Oliver and Alabaster who were both standing beside Fiona. "And how are you two?" he asked with his arms crossed.

Oliver shrugged. "Pretty good."

Felix nodded, narrowing his eyes at the two boys. Fiona rolled her eyes. "Would you like me to glare at all the girls staring at you too then?"

Felix said, "I am not glaring," just as he shot another glare at one of the Hufflepuff first years. He looked over at Fiona who looked unimpressed and he sighed. "Alright, alright, I'll relax about it. Do you want to sit together? This will be the best time to talk, you know?" As they both had heard Professor Binns was extremely boring from the second year Hufflepuffs.

Fiona considered this and nodded. "Well, okay."

This left Alabaster and Oliver as partners, which both boys did not mind at all. They took a seat in the first row. "Are you excited?" Oliver asked.

Alabaster tapped his journal nervously. "Not really." Even though Oliver had only known the boy for a couple of days, he knew this was a habit Alabaster did when he was nervous and that meant he was nervous a lot. The question was why? Sure History Of Magic was not the best subject but why be worried about it?

Oliver was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed a house elf in the classroom with the class on a stool in front of one of the Hufflepuffs. "What's a house elf doing here?"

Alabaster looked over as well and as Oliver had pointed out there was a tiny house elf in the classroom he asked, "Do...we have a house elf student?"

Oliver shook his head, amused by the idea. "The elf is little but it is not a student. It is a part of the staff I am sure but why is it here? Nothing needs to be cleaned."

The Hufflepuffs seemed unaffected by the house elf in the room but almost all the Slytherins other than Fiona looked quite annoyed that a house elf was in the classroom.

Alabaster shrugged. "Maybe–" he started but he was interrupted by Professor Binns as he started to speak.

Alabaster turned back his attention to the teacher and took out his textbook, a piece of parchment and got his quill and ink pot ready. He couldn't risk getting distracted by the house elf in the room.

"Welcome to History Of Magic," said Professor Binns in a monotone voice. "Open your books to chapter two." Alabaster did that along with the rest of the class. "Why study History?" read Binns. "Magic is the unspoken reason for everything, as any schooling witch and wizard would know. Following the introduction of the 1692 International Statute of Secrecy, which sent Wizardkind into hiding and forced us to adapt to the Muggle way of life, our place in the history of mankind has been hidden from the Muggle–"

Alabaster stared at Binns, as Oliver started to slowly take notes. "He is quite...boring huh?" Oliver asked.

Alabaster was still staring at Binns. "Yeah." He was trying to focus and remember as much information as he could (like he had done in Defence Against The Dark Arts) but Professor Binns' voice was hard to process. It was just so dry.

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