Anything For Family

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"Have you heard what Alabaster did this morning?" Eve asked.

Theodore was taking a bite of his soup and rolled his eyes at the mention of his cousin. "No, what did the little disappointment do now?"

"He punched Malcolm Snyde in the face."

Theodore slowly put his spoon down, and turned his full attention to Eve. "What did you just say?"

"I said he punched Malcolm Snyde in the face."

Theodore took a sharp inhale, many thoughts going through his mind, none of which were good. "He punched – muggle punched him?!"

Eve nodded. "Yup."

Theodore scoffed and banged his spoon on the table, completely, and utterly frustrated with his cousin. If he was going to punch Malcolm, why punch him like a muggle would? That just wasn't right! It was a disgrace to the name of purebloods.

Alabaster had been acting out too much for his own good. Ever since he had arrived at Hogwarts he had been completely disregarding all the rules the family had set for him and Theodore needed to do something to fix it. It was his job to put a stop to this improper behaviour, this disgusting behaviour.

Alabaster was getting too adventurous and outlandish with the fact that he had freedom. He would just talk to anyone who would be nice to him and it annoyed Theodore profusely. He was supposed to be obedient and follow the family's rules – be a proper pureblood, not break them just because some mudblood or halfblood was being nice to him, had he learned nothing?!

"Well, I will certainly be having a talk with him tonight," Theodore muttered.

Eve had been thinking about the whole problem with Alabaster. He didn't seem to grasp the concept that halfbloods and mudbloods were below them, he just talked to them freely because as he had said: Well, I would rather hang out with them than you. They at least don't insult me every second! And even though Eve personally thought his logic was illogical, they couldn't be insults if they were true, he seemed to be influenced more easily if the person was nice no matter what their house or blood status was. It was ridiculous in her mind as they were all brought up to obey the family and only the family but with Alabaster's new sense of freedom, he seemed to be forgetting why he was allowed to go to Hogwarts in the first place.

The only way she could see Alabaster listening to them and going down the correct path, the correct way of doing things right now, was to just be nice to him.

She turned to Theodore who was muttering threats under his breath, "Brother, I have an idea that might help Alabaster listen to us."


She paused. She couldn't believe she was suggesting this but it seemed like the only way to fix things. She knew her brother would protest but if she explained her reasoning hopefully he would understand and comply.

"I think in order to send Alabaster down the right path – the path to following the Dark Lord and stopping him from speaking to people who are beneath us is to just..." She sighed. "Is to just be nice to him."

Theodore was staring at her. "What?"

Eve bit her lip, thinking how to word this. "I think the concept of freedom has gotten to his head. He is too curious for his own good right? So curious that he has forgotten what is right." Theodore nodded. "I think he is just interested in the prospect of making friends and I know he is making friends with the wrong sort but I think the best way to get him to see the correct way of things is to be nice to him. If we are nice and help him and regain the bond you two used to have–" Theodore scoffed at that. He never had a bond with him! Ever! "...If we build that wall of security, kindness, and love with him it may help him listen to us more. It should. We put our family first right?" Theodore nodded again. "So, once we build that up again he should start listening to us again. We need to ensure that we make him know that he can only trust us, no one else. He does lack brains, it should be easier for him to fall for our kindness."

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