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"Good morning, Mr. Jackson, how is your jaw feeling?" Madam Pomfrey asked in the morning as soon as she saw that he was stirring.

Alabaster in all honesty forgot he was here because of his jaw. One because of all the commotion that had happened last night and two, because his jaw now felt perfectly fine.

"It is all better, thank you Madam Pomfrey," he said, slowly sitting up and his eyes scanned for Hoo and he stopped to see him asleep on the little table beside the bed. He must have stayed with him until he had fallen asleep, and then flown to the table to get some rest himself.

"I'm glad to hear that, but are you sure you slept well?" Madam Pomfrey noticed how tired he looked, and by how red his eyes were it looked like he had spent hours crying and that set alarms off in her head. She felt horrible that she had not checked on him during the night like she usually would have done.

Alabaster briefly wanted to say that nothing had gone wrong and that he had slept fine, but he could not forget about Fiona saying how he always said he was fine and left it at that. Maybe it would be fine if he told her what had happened, she was the nurse after all.

"Well, I did sleep well at first," Alabaster admitted slowly. "But I did wake in the middle of the night. I guess I...I really don't know how to describe it, but being alone in the Hospital Wing, in the dark, it set in, and - and...I just got really nervous and scared even...I guess I am not used to all the change that has been happening lately. I still have trouble sleeping in my own dorm room so..." He sighed. "I don't know, I got really scared, it was like I could not breathe – or more so I could not breathe at all. No matter how hard I tried to, I just...couldn't. I thought..." He wanted to say, I felt like I was going to die, but all he said was, "It was quite scary, that's all."

"I think what you described is an anxiety attack," Madam Pomfrey said, which made Alabaster stop fidgeting with his hands to look up at her.

"That is what it is called?" Alabaster asked, and she nodded. "Are they...normal? For people with anxiety, I mean?"

"Well, it depends on the person and how bad their anxiety can get and for your case it is quite severe to the point where you can't function properly, with classes and such." Alabaster wanted to object. He could function, just not very well. "There is nothing wrong with you, Mr. Jackson," Madam Pomfrey reiterated as she felt like he needed to hear that. "Many people experience panic or anxiety attacks and of course I, as a member of staff and the school nurse want to help you through it, help them lessen, help you, that's why Professor McGonagall suggested the potion to help with your classes, but if that isn't doing the trick, maybe an ESA is the next option. There is no shame in it."

Alabaster gave a small nod. "Well...when I was having that...attack, like you said," he looked up to her, nervous, "I only calmed down when Hoo came along. He must have stayed overnight or slipped through a window, but he was there and he helped me through it, talked me through it, I know animals can not talk in human languages so you may think it sounds stupid, but I heard him talk or - or I heard the words I needed calm down..."

"That's not ridiculous at all, and this is just another reason why I think having an Emotional Support Animal will do you good," Madam Pomfrey told him. "If Hoo – that's his name, right?" Alabaster nodded. "Yes, if Hoo helps through these attacks and can steady your anxiety then I think him becoming an ESA is what is best for you. He's your friend already, it isn't like you'd have to get used to a new dog or owl or cat, you know him and having him around won't hurt, in fact I think it would definitely help matters for you."

'Yeah...I think it would."

Madam Pomfrey smiled. "I'm glad you finally agree."

"What do...Emotional Support Animals do?" Alabaster asked. "Like..." He was unsure of the word and he racked his brain for it. "Er, well what exactly do they do to calm a person down? Is there anything...specific, that's it."

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now