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After a good night's sleep, Jasper was back to normal, and he immediately said hello to Penelope who was back to school again, asking how her baby sister was doing. The baby was now babbling like no one's business. That made Jasper smile. Babies were quite adorable but hard work.

Jasper went to breakfast that morning with Harry and the other second year Hufflepuffs and he listened to how Dorothy and Marty had tried to make Venom fly by attaching these clip on wings they borrowed from Andy. Jasper laughed at that, he would have to tell Toby; he'd probably make a story out of it.

Venom the Magical Spider Fairy, he could already picture the title.

His thoughts were interrupted by Fiona who sat in between her brother and Jordan with a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong?" Jordan asked in Sign Language.

Fiona started to sign the problem at hand and Jasper, who was not very skilled at Sign Language yet only caught a small idea about what was wrong. Something about snow, owls, and hearts. Jasper knew he was missing some important context.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked.

Fiona sighed. "Do friends confuse you? Because sometimes they confuse me."

Jasper gave her a funny look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I have been nagging one of my friends to go out to play in the snow with me. He's my only Slytherin friend, but keeps saying how he's busy with homework and if it is not his homework, it is detention because his work isn't finished and if it's not that it's something about his owl. I think his owl is sick or something, I don't know..." Fiona sighed again, "But I just wish he'd hang out with me."

"Is it heart?" Jordan asked and Jasper stared at her hand, trying to figure out who the hell heart was.

"It is," Fiona signed back and she turned back to Jasper. "Parts of me think it's because of my blood status but...I don't know."

Felix scowled. "If it is, I'll tell him off, prat."

Fiona shook her head. "Relax Felix, I don't think it really is, it's just a thought..."

Harry and Maryrose both looked thoughtful and Maryrose said, "Well, why don't you ask him again about going out in the snow today? We could all use some fresh air and it'd be a fun activity to do together. I can totally convince Anthony to join and it would be a...nice interhouse activity."

"And it'd help the Slytherins feel more welcome, I guess," Fiona mumbled. "Most are blood purist pricks, but for the ones that aren't..." she shrugged. "It's worth a shot, I'll ask him. He did seem excited about the snow."

"Let us know," Maryrose smiled and Fiona gave a nod and went back over to the Slytherin table.

Harry looked over to Jasper who was taking a bite of his toast. "So, are you up for Maryrose's idea? A snow playdate with I assume most of the Hufflepuffs?" Maryrose gave a nod. "Yeah, you up for it?"

Jasper nodded. Even though his mind was still high strung about the spell he wanted created and the idea about sneaking his siblings in, he needed to take Christopher's advice.

But first, he would talk to him about what he wanted to do and then he would have a little fun.

"It's nice to see you're actually down here eating," Fiona said, taking a seat beside Alabaster who wasn't really eating, but staring at the History Of Magic textbook intently. Fiona assumed he had an essay long overdue, but at least he was down in the Great Hall. It was a start.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now