ASL Class

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"Good morning."

Harry slowly opened his eyes, letting out a yawn. He recognized Jasper's head of black hair immediately. "Morning." He rubbed his eyes, trying to get rid of the horrors behind his eyes. He really had thought that after around a month of having no nightmares, he would have been okay when going back to school, but already one night away from his parents was causing the nightmares to come back. 

Not that he was going to tell anyone. The last thing Harry wanted to do was worry someone.

He looked over at the clock and it read 7:00 AM on the dot. "You're up early."

Jasper flushed. "Sorry...I am just excited to be back." And that was the partial truth. Jasper was happy to be back, but he wished Toby was here with him. The stress of being away from his brothers had come back in full force, and he had spent most of the night lying awake wondering about them.

Did they resent him? Did Toby resent him for going to Hogwarts without him? For being magical? What if leaving was a mistake? What if something bad happened? What if they weren't being fed properly? What if–

Don't stress, he thought. It has only been one night. Don't freak out already. You'll write them today...every day. Don't stress...

He looked around the Hufflepuff dorm trying to regain control of his nerves. Now it wasn't only the twins rooming with them, but Amos Diggory as well. They were all still asleep, looking relatively peaceful although Jonathan seemed to be mumbling about Professor Binns giving too much homework. Jasper chuckled, hoping the homework load wouldn't be too horrible this year and then he thought that it would be weird having a new roommate, but Jasper would be sure to make him feel welcome.

Harry was now sitting up in his bed. "It's Saturday right?"

Jasper nodded. "Yes, we don't even have classes yet," and he sighed, wondering why he couldn't be allowed to spend one more weekend with his brothers. "What to do..."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "You're upset we don't have classes?"

"You're one to talk, you love school."

Harry shrugged and hopped off his bed. He just wanted to forget about his nightmares so he started to think of activities the two of them could do. "We finally have time to explore the castle or...just catch up...and I just can't wait until the Americans come to Hogwarts!" He turned to Jasper who seemingly looked deep in thought, but he had snapped out of it when he heard Harry's excitement. "It is such a cool opportunity, we can learn about their school and the people, and the different houses–"

"And a quidditch tournament!" Jasper exclaimed.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, that too."

"How many magical schools are there?"

"I think seven?" Harry said but he was second-guessing himself. "Maybe eight...there is Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Castelobruxo, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Mahoutokoro School of Magic, Uagadou School of Magic...and Hogwarts I believe! magical schools...that I know of."

"Whoa, that's so cool," Jasper said. "What's Durmstrang like?"

"Uh...I heard it is a school that specialises in the Dark Arts."

Jasper gave a slow nod, already picturing that magical school to be quite dark and depressing looking. Just big black stone walls, fighting off storm after storm as the students learned the darkest magic imaginable. "I see."

"You can always ask Amos for more information on Beauxbatons," Harry told him. "I think I'll ask him about it." As Harry didn't know too much about the other magical schools besides their names.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now