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Implied trauma regarding the foster system, fear of abandonment and referenced abuse.

While the rest of the first week at Hogwarts was commencing, Toby, Ethan, Francis, and Edgar were going through their first week of school, the four of them trying once again to adapt to the new routine with their oldest brother gone. 

"Ethan, do your homework," Toby instructed him when he spotted him staring out the window not even paying attention to his maths homework for the fourth time in the half hour.

Ethan groaned. "I am." He picked up his pencil and stared at the paper before him all the while chewing on the end of the pencil. He stared at the problems before him before he placed his head on the table in frustration. "I hate maths!"

Toby sighed and walked over to him from where he was cleaning his desk. "I can try to help you."

Ethan shook his head. "You need to take care of those two." He indicated to Francis and Edgar who were in the bedroom with them.

Toby looked at the two youngest. Edgar was drawing using a pen he had found on a lined piece of paper, quietly while Francis just watched with an expression that seemed emotionless.

Toby sighed when he saw that. He just wanted his brothers to be happy, but it seemed impossible when he himself was too afraid to make too much racket. Jasper was gone, the magic was gone, the sense of security was gone, the safety was gone...

Toby sat down on the floor with the other two as Ethan continued to stare at his homework with frustration in his eyes. Toby nudged the two younger ones and they both looked up. "What do you want to do?"

Francis shrugged and Edgar said, "Not much we can do."

Toby sighed because Edgar was right. There was not much they could do because anytime they made any sort of noise they got snapped at. Toby just wanted to make sure his little brothers had some fun. They were kids after all.

What would Jasper do?

Toby remembered all the times Jasper had taken them out of the house. There was a park close by that had become all of their favourite places. Just that summer, Jasper had taken them to the park almost every other day because it was the perfect place for the younger three to get their energy out and for all of them to talk. It was a fun and safe place.

Toby remembered that the park was the first place Jasper had taken him when their parents had been fighting. Even that young, Jasper had known he had to take him out of the house. They had gone out to the porch and walked around the neighbourhood before Jasper had started running, pulling Toby along shouting, "PARK, PARK, PARK!"

"PARK! LOOK THERE IT IS!" six year old Jasper shouted, pulling his four year old brother along.

"St-Stop ye-yelling," Toby said with a sniffle, his voice all shaky.

Jasper slowed to a stop and turned to his brother. "Don't cry, it's okay now. Only happy yelling now, promise. The park is so fun! I will show you."

Toby got pulled by his older brother to the playground and Jasper helped him onto the swing. "You have to hold on." Toby put one hand onto the chain. "Your other hand too," Jasper said, taking his brother's hand gently and wrapping it around the chain. "There. All safe."


"Yes. Promise."

Jasper pushed Toby on the swing the best he could. Every so often, Jasper would remind his brother to hold on super tight and soon Toby was laughing as he got higher and higher on the swing.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now