Legere Magna

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Use of the f slur.

Jasper woke up from a nightmare.

He had been having a lot of these. Every night. Multiple times but luckily none of his roommates had noticed. He always had nightmares daily when it was the first few months of the new school term last year all of which would reside in his brothers safety, and wellbeing, and it was happening again.

Even with the security of him being able to do magic to protect them during the summer, what about now? What was he going to do now?

He had a conversation with Christopher about protection spells that could last months on end but he knew nothing. He had said he would look into spells like that but Christopher also kept bringing up the fact that Jasper should just tell an adult about the things that happened at home, but he couldn't. It was not like Christopher meant it in a just tell someone kind of way but more of a I wish you could tell someone kind of way.

The five of them had made a promise to stay together for as long as Jasper could remember. It started with him and Toby making a promise to always be there for each other the best they could and it had grown from there as their family of five had gotten bigger.

Each of them protected each other in different ways from their parents, whether it be taking the hits or protecting one of the younger ones from the situation – it was just something they all had to do. It was something that he, Jasper, had always done.

Jasper couldn't imagine having to leave them forever.

That wasn't going to happen though.

He pulled out one of the DADA books he had gotten from the Goldsparks brothers and started to read through it, looking for anything that might help his brothers throughout the school year. If there was nothing Jasper had started to debate whether he should continue going to Hogwarts or not. He knew the basics and it had seemed to work well enough so if there was nothing to protect his brothers year round, he was going to quit Hogwarts.

Jasper wasn't even sure if it was possible to quit Hogwarts, would his wand be taken away? He wasn't sure but if and only if he had no other option he would just not go next year. He would have to see how long he could last with his wand at home before (and hopefully it wouldn't happen) some wizard government official showed up at his house asking him questions.

If his wand was taken away then he would just go back to the way things were. He would rather it be him taking the hits than his brothers.

Jasper shook out of it. He was planning ahead for no reason. Well, there was no reason to worry about that yet – he could find a spell that could work, that would give him the peace that everyone he loved was safe at home.

He turned back to the book and lit his wand, lighting up the pages. There had to be something, right?

Theodore had gotten into a situation he really didn't want to be in.

He knew he had to do it though much to his dislike. He had promised Alabaster and even with as small as promising him to get the spell that would help him read the letter from his little sister, Alabaster had seemed to be improving with listening to him and Eve.

He had stopped acting out and he talked to mainly the Slytherins who were thankfully all good purebloods, well besides a few other odd halfbloods, but they seemed to know the error of their ways. The only problem was the Talisman girl.

Alabaster would not stop talking to her and when Theodore had asked him about it he had replied with, Well she is a Slytherin, Mother, and Father said I could talk to Slytherins, and when Theodore had brought up she was a halfblood Alabaster had just said, Well, she is quite nice, and that made Theodore want to strangle him but he remembered that Eve said it would be a slow process. At least there was already some improvement.

Freaks: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now