Chapter 90

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Jesse stretched his arms, putting his hands on his hips afterward. He stood in a confident pose and huffed in pride. "Now that I can bring my legs over my head, nothing can stop me now. Everyone should fear me."

Petra chuckled and slapped him on the back. "Calm down and lower your ego, Jesse. Before you almost hurt yourself again."

"Hey! I worked hard to get to where I am now!" He grinned and flexed his arms while standing in all kinds of different poses. "I am a strong man, and I am worthy of my ego!"

"Tone it down, young man," said a voice behind the two. There was Isa in the doorway of the abandoned building, a glint in her eyes as she cheekily smirked at Jesse. "She's right, you know. You're going to blow up like a balloon and pop if you praise yourself so generously."

"Ahh, come on, Aunt Isa, there's no way." He scoffed and waved his hand dramatically. "I'm so awesome that I'll cause the moon to explode first."

Petra and Isa stole a glance at each other and then laughed. "Whatever you say," chuckled Petra, making her way to her motorcycle.

Jesse put his hand on his chest in feigned hurt, exclaiming, "I can't believe this! My own family and girlfriend turning against me. This isn't how a hero's story should be."

"Sit down and get out of here, already," Isa laughed. "We can talk about Order stuff later."

Petra looked up. "Speaking of Order stuff, are you really going to make a new Order with us in it?" Isa raised an eyebrow at the question, wondering how Petra knew, before connecting the dots in her head that Jess had most likely told her. "I am," the Director confirmed. "Would you both join?"

The couple nodded and Isa sighed in relief. "Well, you guys are definitely easy to work with. Much more so than the previous Order."

"Is that Story Time I hear?" piped up Jesse, causing Isa to smack his head jokingly. "Hey! What did I do?"

"Be silly right after what I said about you being easy to work with."

"Point taken."

"You should be taking it. Anyway, it's been so long and we still have no idea where Soren is. Ivor is much too busy with his experiments in his holding cell, Gabriel is still recovering, Ellegaard went back to Redstonia right after questioning, and Magnus is... well, Magnus." The adult let out a long sigh and held her head with one hand. "It's been a long period of recovery, and I think everyone, especially the old Order, has gone a little cuckoo in the Witherstorm's wake."

"Have you done any tests to see if Wither Sickness leaves any side effects on the human body?" Jesse held his chin in contemplation as he spoke.

"That's still an ongoing project. It hasn't been long enough to find any trends."

"Darn," hissed Petra. "I hope I don't start going insane. That would be the worst after everything I've gone through to get better."

"Don't think about it too much. Leave that to my team," said Isa. "I would never want such a thing to happen to you, so I will do my utmost to make sure it won't."

Petra turned to Jesse, gesturing towards Isa as she said, "Your aunt is cool. Can I have her?"

Jesse scrunched up his nose in a mix of disgust and jealousy as Isa laughed heartily.


The couple were now on their way home, both silent as they sat on Petra's motorcycle. She was busy focusing on the road, but Jesse was pondering information.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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