Chapter 67

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The mess that was Jess's awakening had caused a rift throughout the entire hospital. Patients were shifted around into different rooms, entire sectors were under quarantine, and the five of them were being questioned by the Guard.

"First of all, how did you get into that room? Ms. DeLisle, we saw on our surveillance cameras that you applied some sort of device onto the lock."

The Guard investigator turned to Ellegaard, making the Engineer squirm uncomfortably. "It was a custom lock breaker I invented. Although I'm not aware of the technology that Isa- er, Director Ryder, uses, I believed it could unlock those doors as well."

"Why did you feel the need to break in?"

"Because my sister needed help," Jesse interjected, moving in front of Ellegaard. "I only just learned that we were injected with an amnesiac drug due to a previous incident and I knew that she was going to hurt a lot when she woke up."

Everyone looked at Jesse. He forgot they weren't aware of the drug-induced amnesia. He made a mental note to tell them everything.

"That does not constitute destruction of Sky City property—"

"That's enough." Isa barged into the interrogation room and glared at the investigator to leave.

"Director, I'm just doing my job."

"I know," the black-haired lady said, "but you are no longer needed. Investigation dismissed by order of the Director."

The investigator sighed and left the room, taking his files and papers with him. Isa watched as he left and then closed the door behind her, taking a seat in front of them. "I'm sorry about that. I heard the way they dragged you all. I did not teach them to treat others like that." Her face stiffened as if she recalled the event. "I'm going to have a long talk with them."

"Director, I'm sorry about the door," Ellegaard spoke up. "It just felt like an emergency and–"

"You're fine, Ms. DeLisle. I know your reasoning behind it. I'm glad to see you and the others are taking care of my nephew and niece."

Ellegaard, Magnus, and Axel all turned to Jesse. Oh boy. They weren't aware of this.

"Uh, excuse me, Jesse, but..." Magnus pulled the most accurate WTF Jackie Chan look and pointed at Isa. "She's your aunt?????"

"Guys, Jesse didn't know until recently, either," Olivia said before anyone else could say anything. "He didn't know until about a month ago."

"Actually, I knew," Jesse sighed. "The problem was that I forgot. There's a lot of stuff I need to tell you guys right now."

Isa held his hand. "Would you like me to get all of you something before you explain?"

Murmurs of "yes" and "sure" went around the room and Isa stood up. "I'll get us some snacks and drinks. Continue on, Jesse."

As she left, Jesse turned to everyone else and took a deep breath as he readied himself for the long story. "Jess and I had a particularly terrible incident during Endercon back in middle school. We had a pet pig, Reuben, who we brought with us to the city. He was just playing while we talked to Gabriel, who we had bumped into. Another kid who we had problems with got jealous and set Reuben on fire by damaging a nearby build with gasoline. He got scared and ran into the street. Jess and I followed him and a car was coming towards us. I used to think that it was just Reuben that got hit as we stood in the sidewalk but that wasn't the true story - that was what Jess and I had created in our heads."

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