Chapter 2

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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" The sound of his raspy voice was followed by a FLAP!

"Ahh!" Jess shot up and pulled her blanket off. "You knucklehead!"

"Haha, the pillow always works."

She glared at him with messy hair and squinted. "Damn it, Jay, you gave me a heart attack!"

"As said by Axel: 'Nothing's fun if you're not scared half to death!'"

Jess shrugged. "True- but it's better when you're the one having fun!" She grabbed her pillow and whacked Jesse in the face, knocking him over. Then she stole his pillow and threw it at him while he was open on the floor.

"What– Hey, no fair!" laughed Jesse as he received a barrage of pillows chucked at him. "You caught me by surprise!"

"You did the same, so I don't see why I can't!" Jess laughed too and jumped off her bed, sitting on her brother. He grunted slightly and she laughed even harder. "Eat this, you bonehead!" FWUMP! Another pillow to the face.

"Agh, you can stop now!" he cried, unable to stop smiling. "I surrender, I surrender! Where's my white flag?!"

"I win, haha!!" She hollered out loud, falling backward and landing on her back. "That was fun."

"My legs don't agree," croaked he. "You're heavy."

"And you're skinny."

"I'm 102 pounds!"

"And I'm 110 pounds! You're a sack of bones," giggled Jess.

"Look at your thighs! You need to work off that fat!"

"They're all the better to crush my enemies with. I can just sit on them until they turn numb."

"Oh god," jokingly uttered Jesse.

A loud gasp was heard from the girl and she sat up and grabbed her phone from her nightstand. "Today's Sunday! I completely forgot!"

"We're still meeting up with Olivia and Axel, right?"

"Of course we are! We can not wait until school! They're our best friends."

The boy sat up and leaned on his hands. "What about Petra?"

"She's also super close! We've known her since we were little!"

"Man, I can't wait to see her. We never saw her last year. I wonder why."

Jess smiled. "Well, we should see her during the orientation! The juniors are going to be lined up around the gym in alphabetical order, remember? Since we'll be in the middle next to the freshman, we should be able to find her, no problem!"

"I hope so. I kinda missed her over the past year."

"You'll get to see her, don't you worry, brother!"

"Yeah. Hey, are we going to go see them now?"

"Yup! Just let me brush my teeth and stuff. You should change, too."

Jess looked at her disorderly brother, whose brown hair was a mess and baggy shirt was wrinkled. His shirt disguised his somewhat thin, tan figure. His soft emerald eyes were looking at her with amusement.

"What are you looking at? You're not much better looking than I am," grinned Jess. "Your hair looks like a bird's nest and that shirt looks like a piece of crumpled paper."

"Your hair reminds me of the time Axel shocked himself when he tried to work on Olivia's robot for the robotics tournament."

"Well, your face reminds me of a blobfish!"

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