Chapter 7

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Oh dear lord, I've been spending my time watching TrollCraft, old nostalgic videos, and LoZ when I should be working on this... I'm so sorry lol

but really i don't regret how i used my time i had a lot of homework this week it was worth it


After kissing Aunt Carrie goodbye, the two started off towards school again. Usually, they took the bus at 6:40 and got to school around 7:00 but today, it was late.

It didn't help that it was hotter than the devil's armpit.

"Oh man," panted Jesse, "are we ever going to see the light after today?"

Jess shook her head weakly and collapsed onto the olive green bench. "We're lucky it's still early morning... Just imagine noon."

"Don't even let me think about it."

She suddenly pushed herself off the bench and stood up, back hunched. "Even the bench is hot..."

"You probably shouldn't stand next to me then," he crookedly smirked. She just rolled her eyes and wiped her forehead. "Shut up."

Jesse checked his phone and sighed. "6:55."

Jess just groaned super loudly and fanned herself.

Jesse's hands started to lose a grip on his phone from all the sweat on his hands, so he slid the small Cloud back into his pocket. With a huff and a sigh, he looked at his sister. "How many degrees do you think it is?"

She just looked at him back and shrugged. "Maybe 89 degrees? 92? Knowing California, it's probably 92." (A/N: Yes, they live in California :D)

"Probably is," he nodded before wiping some sweat from his neck. He was jealous of Jess- she got all the sweat on her forehead and nose while he got it on his back, neck, and underside of the chin. No wonder all his shirts smelled so bad.

"Oh my gosh, there's the damn bus!" she suddenly exclaimed while pointing down the street. He craned his neck to look past her and he shouted in joyous relief.



"Do we really want a table right now? It's sooo hot, I'd rather just be inside," Jesse said.

"Well, we gotta have a spot to sit in the mornings... Besides, I think people are going to fill up the classrooms because of the heat, which will make it hotter even with the AC on." Jess threw her backpack onto one of the tables in the quad and sat down, slouching.

"It'll be hot either way, Jess. But inside with everyone else will still be cooler than out here."

She rested her head on the table and sighed. "You do you. I'll just... stay out here..." Her eyes started to close slowly and Jesse shook his head.

"Don't overheat, sis. I don't want you to faint when I'm not here to catch you."

"Jay, I'll be fine... If need be, I can be cooled down in the nurse's office." The table was starting to pool up a puddle of sweat underneath her head and she frowned. Wiping the body fluid away, she decided to rest her head on her hands instead.

"Whatever you say. I'll be in the inside hallways."

"Okay. See you in second period."

Jesse went his separate way and Jess continued to inwardly curse the sun on her probably-drenched table.


"Petra?" The brown-haired twin stood still in surprise at the sight of the mysterious female a few feet away from his locker.

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